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[OzzModz] Prefix Favorites Ozzy47
Allow users to select the prefixes they frequently use
[OzzModz] Auto Title Case Ozzy47
Automatic title case conversion for some types of content
[OzzModz] Attachment Constraints Permissions Ozzy47
Permission-based upload constraints for attachments, avatars, profile banners
[OzzModz] Website Verification Ozzy47
[OzzModz] Website Verification 2.0.1 Patch Level 2
Force users to verify their sites to download and purchase resources
s9e Media Sites JoshyPHP
Improves the performance and usability of media sites, and adds many popular new sites.
Remove new direct message email AndyB
Removes 'Receive email when a new direct message is received' in account preferences.
Signature Once TickTackk
Allows user signature to be shown only once per thread/conversation or once per page.

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Been using vbresults, for over 10 years now, for custom forum work on both vBulletin and XenForo. Needed some additional custom work done for a XenForo site this week and vbresults did not disappoint. I let them know my needs and they quickly came up with an elegant solution. Thanks again for the great custom work!
Following the release of XenForo 2.3 Beta 1, we have started the process of checking the compatibility of our add-ons.

You can check the list of verified add-ons on our website here:

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