XF 2.1 Why font awesome files so big?


Well-known member
I've been looking to speed up my site and something I can't understand is why font awesome files are so massive. It seems like they've more than tripled in size the past few years. For example, ~30% of every XF.com forum page's overhead is due to loading the 3 font awesome files. That is crazy!

In XF1 my FA file size is only 70kb, now between the 3 is over 300kb!
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Here are the updated raw scripts. Including the ones to generate the applicable css lines. It's raw, and it's a bit Frankenstein. I'm not that skilled at sed/pipe -- but it works.


5. CSS lines from the output of #2 above, Append to "fa-thin.css"

cat upload/src/addons/XF/_data/* | sed '/<template type="public" title="core_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa4_variables.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | grep -Eo '\\([a-fA-F0-9]+){4}' | sort | uniq | sed -E 's/(.)/@fa-var-([a-z0-9\-])+: "\\\1";/g' | grep -Ef /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | sed 's/@fa-var-/fa-/' | sed 's/:./:/' | sed 's/fa-/}-/g'| grep -f /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | grep "fa-css-prefix}" | grep "content" >> fa-thin.css

This step gives me a lot of output:
grep: /dev/stdin:3: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:4: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:5: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:6: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:7: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:8: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:9: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:10: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:11: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:12: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:13: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:14: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:15: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:16: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:17: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:18: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:19: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:20: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:21: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:22: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:23: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:24: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:112: Invalid back reference
grep: /dev/stdin:113: Invalid back reference

Is that expected behaviour?

Edit: If that is expected, all went well. But I'm not sure if I need to do something else? Is this purely CSS and do I still need to edit/change the woff files?
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Can you make a test file called "test.txt" with the contents:

\1234 hello \2345

And run:

grep -Eo '\\([a-fA-F0-9]+){4}' test.txt

For me, this is the output

Same for me

Try this

cat upload/src/addons/XF/_data/* | sed '/<template type="public" title="core_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa4_variables.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | grep -Eo '\\([a-fA-F0-9]+){4}' | sort | uniq | sed -E 's/(.)/@fa-var-([a-z0-9\-])+: "\\\1";/g' | grep -EfF /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | sed 's/@fa-var-/fa-/' | sed 's/:./:/' | sed 's/fa-/}-/g'| grep -fF /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | grep "fa-css-prefix}" | grep "content" >> fa-thin.css
That gives me

grep: F: No such file or directory
grep: F: No such file or directory

Maybe a typo in
grep -EfF /dev/stdin
grep -fF /dev/stdin
That gives me

grep: F: No such file or directory
grep: F: No such file or directory

Maybe a typo in
grep -EfF /dev/stdin
grep -fF /dev/stdin

Yeah I added the capital F because I thought it would fix it

Try this. the order apparently matters

cat upload/src/addons/XF/_data/* | sed '/<template type="public" title="core_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa4_variables.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | grep -Eo '\\([a-fA-F0-9]+){4}' | sort | uniq | sed -E 's/(.)/@fa-var-([a-z0-9\-])+: "\\\1";/g' | grep -EFf /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | sed 's/@fa-var-/fa-/' | sed 's/:./:/' | sed 's/fa-/}-/g'| grep -Ff /dev/stdin upload/src/addons/XF/_data/templates.xml | grep "fa-css-prefix}" | grep "content" >> fa-thin.css
I finally did this for our board.

- The scripts I posted don't entirely work. Sorry. I had to tweak it to work again

I guess the best steps to reproduce this is

1. Grab the pre-generated list for stock XF python script
2. Export your own template, rerun scripts to pull those. Add to the python list
3. Run this against your addon directory .xml files too to grab those. Add those to python list

I'll try to clean this up when I have time
ok, first attempt

cat upload/src/addons/XF/_data/* | sed '/<template type="public" title="core_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa4_variables.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | grep -Eo 'fa-([a-z0-9\-]+)' | grep -v "fa--" | grep -v -E 'fa-light-300|fa-brands-400|fa-regular-400|fa-solid-900' | sed 's/fa-var-/fa-/g' | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/fa-//g'

cat upload/src/addons/XF/_data/* | sed '/<template type="public" title="core_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | sed '/<template type="public" title="setup_fa4_variables.less"/,/<\/template>/d' | grep -Eo '\\([a-fA-F0-9]+){4}'  | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/\\/0x/g'

find . -name '*.php' -exec cat {} \; | grep -Eo 'fa-([a-z0-9\-]+)' | grep -v 'fa-1f1' | grep -v 'fa-fe0f' | grep -v 'fa--' | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/fa-//g'





run it from your xenforo package download directory

That should be everything from the standard Xenforo install. Could be a mistake somewhere. But it hits templates, css, and php files to look for references to font awesome fonts. Scanning other 3rd party templates should be easy to do too.


edit: removed the "fa-" prefixes
Great script @arn! I tried running this on 2.2, but as all of the glyphs are pre-compiled in setup_fa.less, it gives me a list of all of the icon names.

Have you had any luck with this on 2.2 at all? It made a huge improvement to my site speed, so I'm trying to get it working somehow.
Google Fonts has a text parameter that can be used to select the characters you are going to use on that font. If only something similar could have been used with font awesome. Would have made this process so much simpler!
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