Template/code modifications for corner peel advertisement


Happy to pay someone to add this to my Xenforo install.

I want a corner peel advert added. It will need some mods to the template that is beyond my understanding
EG of corner peel advert: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/ (sorry its a vB forum, but its the only one I have seen recently with a corner peel advert!)

It was discussed in this thread from 2014: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/corner-peel-away-advertisment.70757/
WebArchive of the article linked from that thread: https://web.archive.org/web/2014032.../create-a-peel-away-effect-on-website-how-to/
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Happy to pay someone to add this to my Xenforo install.

I want a corner peel advert added. It will need some mods to the template that is beyond my understanding
EG of corner peel advert: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/ (sorry its a vB forum, but its the only one I have seen recently with a corner peel advert!)

It was discussed in this thread from 2014: https://xenforo.com/community/threads/corner-peel-away-advertisment.70757/
WebArchive of the article linked from that thread: https://web.archive.org/web/2014032.../create-a-peel-away-effect-on-website-how-to/

I can help you with this. Please start a private conversation with me if you are interested.
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