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It's not because this person is staff that you should spam his profile with support questions!


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I'm tired of people asking support at my profile all time about helping them with THEIR installation etc.
So I created a little modification to put a message above the 'Write something' box :)

Here's a preview:

To add that piece of code, find the following code in member_view:
                <xen:if is="{$canPostOnProfile}">

And than add this behind that piece of code:
                                        <xen:if is="{$user.user_id} == 1 OR {$user.user_id} == 2 OR {$user.user_id} == 5">
                                             <p class="importantMessage">
                                                 Please do not post Support Questions at this person's profile. Profile comments are to congratulate someone or for other stuff. You can ask for support <a href="http://www.yourforums.com/support.php">here</a>.

Now the message should appear.

Don't forget to configure it.
  • {$user.user_id} == X OR {$user.user_id} == Y
    • X stands for user with user ID number 1
    • Y stands for user with user ID number 2
    • You can continue using that.
  • <a href="http://www.yourforums.com/support.php">here</a>
    • Whatever is between the "" is where it links to ;)
Have a nice day,
- Vincent
excellente. I'll make use of this at a later date when i start my resource site. Nice work. :)
Yeah I'm not sure why you're hard coding userids into this. Imo its better if anyone can see it.
The user id is not related to who can see the message, it is for the user profiles for which the message will appear on.
So if you have 10 staff, you can enter their user ids so the message appears on their profiles only.
The user id is not related to who can see the message, it is for the user profiles for which the message will appear on.
So if you have 10 staff, you can enter their user ids so the message appears on their profiles only.

Oh. Not my finest moment right there :p
The user id is not related to who can see the message, it is for the user profiles for which the message will appear on.
So if you have 10 staff, you can enter their user ids so the message appears on their profiles only.

If they are under a usergroup, wouldn't it be easier to blanket the usergroup and put it only as a usergroup that can see it rather than individually put in 10 user ids? O_o
If they are under a usergroup, wouldn't it be easier to blanket the usergroup and put it only as a usergroup that can see it rather than individually put in 10 user ids? :confused:

Use '<xen:if is="{$user.is_moderator} OR {$user.is_admin}">' for that.

And the reason I use User ID's is for people like Floris :)
They may want it too ;)
Is there a way of doing this with usergroups instead?

or you can use this

<xen:if is="{$user.user_group_id} == X OR {$user.user_group_id} == Y">

X is one usergroup
Y is another usergroup

To find out the usergroup id number just go to list usergroup is user tab in CP and click the usergroup
and in the browser bar it will say a number somewhere at the end and that is the id number :P
Hahaha I don't know how I missed this before, I will definitely be adding this to my "things to add" folder in my bookmarks.
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