XF 2.1 How do I change the Watched "fa-eye" icon to something else?

if you use in extra.less, you need to use variable:
All variables you can find this:
They correspond to the names of the icons.
In general, it is advisable to use built-in tools
Instead of content, specify this type and if you need to connect icons, use .m-faBase();, and if you need a certain type, then indicate which one you connect as an example .m-faBase('Brands');
Sorry even the first two replies from you guys have already helped me solving with my problem, I would still like to learn more.

Can you please give me an example for what you've just said? I got no clues.
.structItem-status--watched::before {
You can just use this.
In this example, the built-in variables in the engine are used, and the name of the icon variable is taken from the template setup_fa.less
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