XF 2.2 How can I remove new posts and whats-new for guests?

Black Tiger

Well-known member
How do I remove the "new posts" button and whats-new for guests? I would like them to register and login to have these options.
I know I can take them away in the Public Navigation, but I do want them present for my users.
If you would rather use CSS, you can add this to the extra.less template to hide it:

    .p-title-pageAction .button--icon--bolt
        display: none;
&& $xf.visitor.user_id
What is the difference between this line with and without the ! in front of it?

We're talking about different things I see. I'm sorry, didn't see there was another new posts on that part too. That is working, but I was talking about the button.

This is the button link on the right side above the sidebar. Sorry, next time I will provide a screenshot sooner. This is in Dutch language, but it is the new posts button.
Edit the forum_overview_wrapper template.

<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
    <xf:button href="{{ $xf.options.forumsDefaultPage == 'new_posts' ? link('forums/new-posts') : link('whats-new/posts') }}" icon="bolt">
        {{ phrase('new_posts') }}
Ha ha ! I understand well now !!

So this button can be hidden with conditional directly in template.
template concerned : forum_overview_wrapper
so try this :
//replace this
<xf:button href="{{ $xf.options.forumsDefaultPage == 'new_posts' ? link('forums/new-posts') : link('whats-new/posts') }}" icon="bolt">
    {{ phrase('new_posts') }}

//by this
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
    <xf:button href="{{ $xf.options.forumsDefaultPage == 'new_posts' ? link('forums/new-posts') : link('whats-new/posts') }}" icon="bolt">
        {{ phrase('new_posts') }}
I presume that "v" is a typo Brogan.

@nicodak Thank you too.

Be aware that there since a new "if" statement is create, also a new </xf:if> is needed otherwise it will display an error.

Got it like this now and that is working:
    <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
        <xf:button href="{{ $xf.options.forumsDefaultPage == 'new_posts' ? link('forums/new-posts') : link('whats-new/posts') }}" icon="bolt">
            {{ phrase('new_posts') }}

You got that, but you got the original in the "replace by". :)

Thank you all very much for thinking with me and again my apology's, I thought it was clear, because I wrote "button" in my initial message.
The is attribute supports logical operators:
  • OR / || - used to link alternative conditions
  • AND / && - used to link additional conditions
  • ! - place before a condition to invert it
  • XOR - returns true if only one of two conditions is true

$xf.visitor.user_id applies to logged in members, !$xf.visitor.user_id applies to logged out guests.
If you would rather use CSS, you can add this to the extra.less template to hide it:

    .p-title-pageAction .button--icon--bolt
        display: none;
Pardon me. Sorry I'm just a little uncertain whether this would apply to the "Unreg'd/Guests"? ~or~ rather globally?
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