Lack of interest Display Latest IP logins on Account Home

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Well-known member
I would have sworn that I have posted this suggestion before but I cannot find it so here goes:

On the account home page, please display the last 5 or IP addresses that a user used to log into their account. What I request is exactly the same as the functionality implemented on the bottom of the XenForo account page here:

This would add another layer of security and members would be able to see if their account was accessed by someone else. Or in case their account was access by someone then they can see from where.
Which is not only really handy, but also saves admins from support tickets asking about this. Because in 99% of such 'hacked accounts' support requests it the account was access from the same location the member is in.
Upvote 3
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I reported this thread for merging and the staff responded that this suggestion warrants a new thread. The other one is 10 years old. So anyone who wants this, please like the first post.
Hmm, it's a two-edged sword.

While this woud indeed be useful information in case an account is compromised or a user asks for support, it would also increase the attack surface.
The more personal data you process/store, the more valuable access to that data becomes.

Personally, I'd like to store the least amount of data possible so if this is going to be implemented it should be optional to turn this on and if it isn't no ip address data about previous logins should be stored.

Also, what do you consider as a login, only if the user actually enters credentials / does perform a login via a linked account or also starting of anew session with an existing remember me cookie?
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