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Colour Palette Guide


Well-known member
This is a VERY rough first draft I did for msyelf when I started doing style changes for our new site.

Have attached a Word document which basically describes what each of the style properties on the colour palette actually changes. It is all over the place, about the only order in it is the listing of the properties and also I've probably got some wrong or missed others out ... and more than likely it will change as we got through beta stages to XF 1.0. If you find any errors please let me know and I'll update it.

Apologies for some of the descriptions, like Shelley my first (and only) language is English and I'm not very good at it.

If this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it.


Yeah I am going to do that, just haven't had time ... hopefully get that done this weekend. Also want to incorporate what the individual style options change for the style property groups.
This document is both very useful and indicative of just how poorly documented the styling feature of this software is. If you've wrestled with this style system, you also know two things: it's cleverly implemented and excruciatingly frustrating when you want to assign different colors to elements that are "joined at the hip" by this styling system.
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