paid registration


    XF 2.2 Paid Registrations

    So if I change User Group Permissions to not to allow viewing attachments, rather than showing users error page, I would like to redirect them to paid registration page. I have already setup plans/packages using Paid Registrations by Addon Flare. Can someone help me achieve this?
  2. System0

    XF 1.5 Some Questions About Social Media Integration

    I'm using the XenCentral Paid Registration system so that new users need to pay a small sign up fee to join my community. It's been the only effective method of tackling spam that I have found. * Please note that these questions are not related to the add-on itself but are in relation to how...
  3. XCentral

    XenCentral Invitation & Paid Registration System 1.6.0

    XC Invitation & Paid Registration System is a fully-featured add-on allowing to enable free/paid invitations/referral and paid registration on your community. Product provides a solid system of monetizing the community using invitations and paid registration packages, as well as anti-spam...
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