XenForo tips & guides [1.x]

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Staff have posted Ribbon Shelley
Staff have posted ribbon alternative placement and design
Staff have posted  indicator Shelley
This displays an indicator to the right when a staff have posted.
Integrate Wikipedia (or other sites) as a BB code media site
Dark MessageUserInfo Enhancement Shelley
This will give your messageuserinfo area a dark look.
Link Icons for TaigaChat Shelley
This will display an icon by any links you add in Taigachat
Indicator in conversations Shelley
This will exclusively apply a "new" indicator in your conversation list
Call .php file from a page node. Works in XenForo v 1.2 or 1.1.5
The RGB codes of XF's Default Style color palette
A guide to help you implement images rather than text for user titles.
Kongregate Games Section DRE
How to create a basic arcade with Xenforo pages
A list od definitions of names and jargon used on XF for new maybe not so new admins
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