Recent content by Xon

  1. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    Especially useful if there was a way to use existing rest API and to force it to consider a transaction to be considered payment for a user upgrade. I haven't explored the rest api, but can it access subscriptions created the old way? If so this would allow finding the latest transaction for...
  2. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    While the REST api is a way forward, I think it needs a "force check paypal state" functionality for pending payments to catch the case where the webhook has failed and can't be resent would be ideal
  3. X

    Not a bug Paypal Merchant Technical Support recommend not relying on IPN

    A few sites I admin for recently experienced an issue where IPN just didn't get send. After opening a support ticket with paypal, I eventually received this: (Formatting from paypal)
  4. X

    ViewableInterface should provide a method to get required relations for canView

    This has effectively been implemented in several places in XF. I think part of the issue is while the entity structure record has a with argument, there isn't any consistent structure to how it is used/implemented for this sort of use-case (ie for view/for list/etc).
  5. X

    Advanced Bb Codes Pack [Paid]

    This add-on is not compatible with XF2.3 (mostly due to javascript), I'm slowly working through my add-ons and do not currently have an ETA. If you are interested in a paying for a specific add-on being expedited to work with XF2.3, please open a ticket on my site.
  6. X

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    Not permitting guest posting with attachments would raise the bar a bit.
  7. X

    Report Improvements by Xon The installer should have migrated those warning_log_id: 0 values to being null. I'm wondering it the installer got damaged at some stage as it should have applied the schema...
  8. X

    Signup abuse detection and blocking [Paid]

    For that domain allow-list, you can add edu and it will allow links to any .edu domain. I've been meaning to migrate all the various lists of settings to their own table structure but that got pushed back as it is a large change and I've constantly busy with other more urgent things.
  9. X

    Report Improvements by Xon

    That really shouldn't be happening, as it implies the WarningLog entity was hard deleted (which the addon does not do). Can you run this query? SELECT report_comment_id, warning_log_id FROM xf_report_comment WHERE warning_log_id is not null AND warning_log_id not in (SELECT warning_log_id FROM...
  10. X

    Signup abuse detection and blocking [Paid]

    In the admincp, quicksearch for "Allowed email domains" and add *.edu to the list of known/allowed email domains.
  11. X

    Fixed CronEntry::verifyRunRules does not validate value ranges

    verifyRunRules validates that only the expected attributes ('dom', 'dow', 'hours', 'minutes') exist, but doesn't validate the list of values are in the expected range (0-59 for minutes, 0-23 for hours, etc)
  12. X

    ElasticSearch Essentials - 3.16.1 - Bugfix & maintenance

    Require StandardLib v1.20.0+ If installed, require Redis Cache v2.17.0+ If installed, require Redis View Counters v2.4.0+ php 8.4 compatibility fixes Fix bulk search when using XF2.3, note; add-on is not fully XF2.3 compatible yet Fix autocomplete results could return less results than expected...
  13. X

    ElasticSearch Essentials [Paid]

    Xon updated ElasticSearch Essentials with a new update entry: 3.16.1 - Bugfix & maintenance Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. X

    Search Improvements - 2.14.0 - Feature update

    Add "Push thread prefix text into search" option (default true) Supports ElasticSearch Essential's autocomplete Requires manual rebuild of threads on changing this option
  15. X

    Search Improvements

    Xon updated Search Improvements with a new update entry: 2.14.0 - Feature update Read the rest of this update entry...
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