Recent content by Will Franco

  1. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    I realize my question was not well-formulated, and I essentially answered it myself. What approach would you recommend for setting up a real-time backup system for Xenforo? Is frequent mysqldump's a good approach or is there a more efficient way?
  2. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    Supercritical threads and posts, we don’t want to lose a single one.
  3. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    Node: Trash (View Permissions Off) DONE Downgrade Super admins to Admins and remove manage node permission. DONE What backup schedule do you use?
  4. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    Great idea! We've added it to our documentation. Thank you! However, this process doesn't cover the actual risk of accidentally deleting the node instead of moving it, or mistakenly deleting threads during a batch update are possibilities. Both actions can permanently delete data with just two...
  5. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    That's a viable workaround, but a trash can would effectively solve this situation.
  6. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    @Chromaniac You're absolutely right! Thank you for pointing that out. What is the optimal backup protocol? Can we create an equivalent of a trash can?
  7. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    Goal Backups every 5 minutes One-click rollback I'm not an XF developer, nor are our server admins. I need a starting point for them to investigate the process. Most likely, the name of a database, type of cron, or context on how XF works.
  8. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    Thank you for the quick reply. Could you direct me to a forum post discussing aggressive backup and restore protocols?
  9. Will Franco

    Trash Can

    As an admin, how can I restore nodes or threads that have been deleted? Other applications use a "trash can" feature, which retains deleted information for 30 days.
  10. Will Franco

    Custom 404 Page by Siropu

    404 errors don't occur if there's a "?" string appended to the URL.
  11. Will Franco

    Integrating ChatGPT Prompts

    From my perspective, one of the major fears when making a post on a forum or writing in general is the potential for typos and bad grammar. Maybe that's just me, as I don't consider myself a strong writer.
  12. Will Franco

    Integrating ChatGPT Prompts

    I'm curious about the feasibility of integrating ChatGPT into the editor. Specifically, I'm interested in the following three features: Spelling and grammar checker Writing improvement tools (rewrite, nothing more) Text shortening capabilities If anyone has any experience or insights related...
  13. Will Franco

    Invite-only threads

    This type of UX. Under the thread creation feature.
  14. Will Franco

    [DBTech] DragonByte Member Map

    Although it wasn't the solution, it helped me find the answer. In the Google Maps API, I had initially applied website restrictions to our domain, This action resulted in a JavaScript error. When I changed the restriction to...
  15. Will Franco

    [DBTech] DragonByte Member Map

    Probably not. Where can I find those settings, please?
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