Recent content by stefan

  1. stefan

    Skype Smilies (Animated) [Deleted]

    And what about the license? o_O
  2. stefan

    Skype Smilies (Animated) [Deleted]

    Aren't there any licensing issues (because, skype...)?
  3. stefan

    XF 1.3 Change Forums to FORUMS (navigation)

    You can put .publicTabs {text-transform:uppercase;} into the extra.css - this would change all the tabs.
  4. stefan

    Free Audentio Design Skins! (Celebrating our 5 year Anniversary)

    Congratz - just followed you :)
  5. stefan

    Individual Trophy Icons

    I absolutely love the concept of Xenforos trophies, but since my board does not have a title ladder, the trophy points hardly have any relevance there. On the other hand, I really missed icons for the trophies - so I made some template changes. Before: After: How: Find/create icons...
  6. stefan

    Removing Gender?

    I tried to add more gender options (edited user.php in line 58 as well as the template), but when I try to put something other then "male"/"female"/"" into the field, i get the following message: Any ideas?^^
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