Recent content by Starbucks

  1. Starbucks

    Didn't see "site suggestions" for this site so...

    His forum has been more successful than AussieFooty's, with much better vibes. Unlike the North Korean regime you've got going on over there on AussieFooty's.
  2. Starbucks

    Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

    Besides my critic on the lack of communication, and some other things I do agree that XenForo is a very solid forum software, and so far I haven’t encountered any issues. I don’t care that much about 2.3, im more looking forward to the 3.0 redesign.
  3. Starbucks

    XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

    Please don’t ban me for asking. I beg you to forgive me, my loyal supreme leader Ki.. I mean— Brogan. I’ll never question your great hard work again 🫡
  4. Starbucks

    XF 2.3 / 3.0 release date

    What happened to @TPerry? Can you share what happened between you guys @Chris D ? As he got permanently banned.
  5. Starbucks

    Link click stats

    You could try to set this up with Google Tag Manager, it gives you a lot of control!
  6. Starbucks

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    Did you had a chance to look into this suggestion of mine?
  7. Starbucks

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    Feature Request: Assign an "Owner" to an affiliated badge, so the organization can assign members to that badge! For example, if I'm an organization, I don't want to constantly need to fill in a form to ask if someone can get the badge assigned, nor do I want that user to request it himself. I...
  8. Starbucks

    Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

    I agree. The software is great and it “just works”. The only real update I’m looking forward to is the redesign. Now, what does bother me is (as usual) the transparency about this delay. Was it because of a XF team member lost a hard drive, financial matters, or whatever it might be, just be...
  9. Starbucks

    Any sort of roadmap for Xenforo 2.3 ?

    Actively working on it for sure, for the past 2 years.
  10. Starbucks

    Improve visual hierarchy of new embed feature

    I agree. It’s quite confusing. The example you made is pretty good alternative.
  11. Starbucks

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    We have several organizations on our forum, and I really liked the affiliated idea that X (Twitter) has by showing the badge of the company the user is working for, therefor we needed something to show what company the user is working for, and if the account is an organization, government...
  12. Starbucks

    [OzzModz] Verification Badges [Paid]

    Glad to see my request appeared as an add-on here! Using this for almost a year now, it’s a great addon! Now everyone can use it! 😁
  13. Starbucks

    GTA 6, what do you think?

    I just tried to say your username out loud and my furniture started floating
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