Recent content by sross

  1. S

    [OzzModz] Adult Content Filter [Paid]

    I need it more for the xenforo gallery than anything else.. hopefully plans to add this at some stage?
  2. S

    XF 2.2 10,000s of daily requests to "forum/login/keep-alive"

    It does seem to have been going on a while the more I look and I guess it is a normal part of the system. I should probably trust google analytics instead of server stats.
  3. S

    XF 2.2 10,000s of daily requests to "forum/login/keep-alive"

    Only reference I see is here. Someone mentioned people have the site open in a tab and the session is kept alive? But why recount it as a new visit? Not sure if there is much that can be done about it.
  4. S

    XF 2.2 10,000s of daily requests to "forum/login/keep-alive"

    I tried cloudflare years ago, and don't think I ever installed this app and have no reference to the app in my addons.
  5. S

    XF 2.2 10,000s of daily requests to "forum/login/keep-alive"

    - - [26/Jan/2024:07:03:51 -0500] "POST /forum/login/keep-alive HTTP/2.0" 200 175 I am getting these every 1-2 seconds. I've never seen this before so am wondering if anyone knows what this might be. The IP in the logs is different for each request. It is skewing my webstats by saying...
  6. S

    Add-on A chatGPT moderation tool would be a game changer. Is anyone working on this?

    Big board moderation is very inefficient, and generally 100% reactionary. I believe AI (chatGPT or others) is plenty capable of stopping certain posts before they start. One example would be my board rules not allowing any political discussions or banter. Yet we often moderate many of these...
  7. S

    Likely losing a small fortune in ad revenue, seeking expert open to revenue share

    Hi, I'm getting 7-8mil page views a month and suspect I am earning next to nothing in ad revenue due to very poor implementation. I have heard of experts who can manage your ads, boost revenue and get a revenue share as payment. This seems to make sense. Does anyone know such experts with a...
  8. S

    XF 2.2 dashboard to view members with the most warning points?

    Hi, is there such a thing baked in, or an addon that anyone knows about? Thanks
  9. S

    [OzzModz] Thread Reply Limit

    Hi, can you clarify. I have a problem user that keeps taking over threads and will post 20 times or more per thread arguing and derailing it. Can I target this specific user so for all threads he can only reply say 3 times per thread? Thanks!
  10. S

    MG 2.2 You click to show a users images, open an image, fwd to next image and it is not theirs.

    It didn't seem to, but I wonder if there is a way to have the slide strip to always only user the image posters' recent images? Surely?
  11. S

    MG 2.2 You click to show a users images, open an image, fwd to next image and it is not theirs.

    I'm not sure if there is a config for the gallery filmstrip. Say I click on a users images and they have 20 images that show on the page. I open image one, but can't fwd to any of their other images. It only wants to fwd to the newest images uploaded in that category. This makes no sense for...
  12. S

    XF 2.2 Resizing embeds from web and attachments, requiring click for full image?

    @AndyB you usually have all the answers :P any ideas?
  13. S

    XF 2.2 Resizing embeds from web and attachments, requiring click for full image?

    Hi, I don't want to resize the image file itself, just what is displayed in the thread. So if someone embeds 10 images in a post that are huge, it might show them much smaller but offer a click to load the full image. Thanks
  14. S

    XF 2.2 My smilies have vanished, no code changes or anything

    ok it looks like twemoji is broken
  15. S

    XF 2.2 My smilies have vanished, no code changes or anything

    Things were fine the other day, nothing on my site has changed. I had them setup the same as Any ideas? Thanks!
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