Recent content by sparky5693

  1. sparky5693

    Converting existing theme to xf2

    Yes... yes it would. You can view it at
  2. sparky5693

    Converting existing theme to xf2

    I'm preparing to upgrade to xf2, and would like quotes on updating our current theme to be xf2 compliant. The work won't need to be exact, but I expect it to be at least heavily based on our current theme.
  3. sparky5693

    Ad Manager

    Thanks Andy, working perfectly. In case it helps anyone, I didn't have the proper adsense code... I used the code adsense emailed me, when I needed to configure a responsive ad in the adsense panel itself, and then use that code.
  4. sparky5693

    Ad Manager

    The display options aren't working correctly for me. If I choose any one of the forum view, thread view or forum list options, the ads display at all possible locations. For example, if I choose any one of the forum view options, I get ads at the top, bottom, and sides. I seem to have a all or...
  5. sparky5693

    [SolidMean] ForumBackup

    Has been running great for months. Last night the forum stuck in the closed state. Any idea what could have happened? I did not have the debug file on (I do now).
  6. sparky5693

    [SolidMean] ForumBackup

    Just set this up, so far so good. Any chance someone could assist me in making the forum closed message more readable?
  7. sparky5693

    Spam and Disposable email addresses

    Are there any other whole countries I might be missing in this list?
  8. sparky5693 - Server Configuration / Hosting / Support

    Thanks MattW, I couldn't have been happier with how everything went. Everything is running smoother than ever. (y)
  9. sparky5693 switches to XenForo

    Knownhost really does a great job, been with them for years and can't say enough good things.
  10. sparky5693

    [dc] Smiley Manager

    anyone else encounter this?
  11. sparky5693

    Add-on A complete store front add-on - GFNStoreFront

    How will you handle shipping charges? Any chance you'll have real time quotes, or will pricing tiers have to be manually set?
  12. sparky5693

    [dc] Smiley Manager

    Still not having any luck. Anyone have an idea?
  13. sparky5693

    [dc] Smiley Manager

    Something isn't working right. Seems fine in the admin panel, but when I click the smilie dropdown tab, I get: The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console. When I check the console, I see: PHP xenforo.js:195 c.extend.handleServerError xenforo.js:195...
  14. sparky5693

    XFS Mobile [Deleted]

    How is everyone handling the reported posts section for moderators? I really miss the alerts at the top. Currently I'm listing it as a link in the mobile_quicknav2links <option value="{xen:link ''}">Reported Items</option> While I would much rather have...
  15. sparky5693

    XFS Mobile [Deleted]

    Hasn't been officially released on the style but... if you revert the template: thread_view, make a backup of it but it should do the trick. This skews the page selection. I'll wait for the official release, just wanted to be sure I didn't miss it.
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