Recent content by ScrapDog

  1. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 What is the easiest way to change thumbnail quality

    Hello Tracy, No i host it myself, but im not very formilliar with these things.
  2. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 What is the easiest way to change thumbnail quality

    Well i looked at it, but have no clue how to install that :)
  3. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 What is the easiest way to change thumbnail quality

    Hello guys, I wonder what i need to do to get the best quality for my thumbnails in the forum. Where can i make it a 100% instead of 80% ? Sincerely, ScrapDog
  4. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 Template error: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public:uix_icons.less:content is unknown

    Can somebody help me to get rid of this error. (attachment)
  5. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 how to disable the thumbnail strip in lightbox

    I like to remove the thumbnail strip on the bottom of the fancybox/lightbox. Can anyone tell me how that syntax is for extra.less template?
  6. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 How to see nodes for a different custom usergroup

    Thank you very much again :) .... it worked !! Regards ScrapDog
  7. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 How to see nodes for a different custom usergroup

    I need to know how to give only acces to a different thing else like : $xf.visitor.is_admin I need to give acces in the navigation bar to a group called "artistic", so what is the syntax for giving access to a navigationbutton and is only visible if your member of the group "artistic" ...
  8. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 I have a huge problem !!!!

    Hello Chris, thank you so very much for the help. It finally worked by the second option. I am very glad it is saved. But what can be the cause of this error, i like to know so i can prevent having another error like this.... thanks again, sincerely, ScrapDog
  9. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 I have a huge problem !!!!

    Thanks for answering, When i go to my phpmyadmin and i lok for the line xf_sessions, i cant repair in the end of the line it says that it is in use
  10. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 I have a huge problem !!!!

    After updating my xenforo to v2.2.7 Patch 1, i get the following message: An exception occurred: [XF\Db\Exception] MySQL statement prepare error [144]: Table './xenforo/xf_session' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed in src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php on line 230...
  11. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 A lot of same errors about "templater.php"

    Oke, i have indeed a style of ThemeHouse, but i have the newest version of My theme. Or is UI.X a addon ? regards, SrapDog
  12. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 A lot of same errors about "templater.php"

    the message is: [E_USER_WARNING] Macro public:uix_icons.less:content is unknown I have looked at it, but i cant find any problem, because my experience is to little to know the program-language. Does anybody knows, what to do ? Sincerely, ScrapDog
  13. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 Hide a specific Widget on mobile

    Is it that simple ..... I really had no idea of this. That for the help, it works all fine now. Regards, ScrapDog ..... Stay Healty !
  14. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 Hide a specific Widget on mobile

    So it works now, many thx ..... Now i need to see that widget only on the homescreen of the forum, it shows everywhere i go now. is that possible also ?? Regards, ScrapDog
  15. ScrapDog

    XF 2.2 Hide a specific Widget on mobile

    Okay , but now i need to hide , i can place it but what is the syntax for it, now i have: <xf:widget key="FileServer" /> I placed that in the template of page_container.
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