Recent content by Sal Collaziano

  1. Sal Collaziano

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    Thank you very much!
  2. Sal Collaziano

    Quoting Improvement

    Did everyone miss this or am I the only one who has lots of instances of this? I run a bunch of XF forums so perhaps it's an issue unique to my situation.
  3. Sal Collaziano

    XF 2.2 New spam activity - what's the best way to fix this?

    Lately, I've been seeing something new in my forums. Old accounts that haven't been logged into for some time - are being accessed (assuming easily guessed passwords) by spammers to, at this point in time, attempt to post links to "casual dating" websites. I say "attempt" because most are...
  4. Sal Collaziano

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    No way to do this?
  5. Sal Collaziano

    Quoting Improvement

    In all my XenForo communities, I have many people who post a message that includes a quote - but then just submits the quote and posts again with their response to the quote. My suggestion is to have the system see that when a message is being quoted - if there's no other data in the message -...
  6. Sal Collaziano

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    Where can I edit the size of the font for the phrase "As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases."? As it stands, it looks a little bit too much like part of a user's posted message whenever there's an Amazon link involved.
  7. Sal Collaziano

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    Awesome! Thank you...
  8. Sal Collaziano

    Amazon/eBay Parser

    Does it need to be disabled once upgrading to 2.3 or will leaving it running while waiting for an update be okay? I need to start making notes about this stuff...
  9. Sal Collaziano

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    I'm all for OPTIONS, and some people prefer paying with PayPal's buyer protection.
  10. Sal Collaziano

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    I have several "lifetime" licenses. It would be nice to have them work moving forward...
  11. Sal Collaziano

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    I think pretty much everybody loves your add-ons, so I'm confident there would be enough people to help make the endeavor feasible.
  12. Sal Collaziano

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    Maxmind is transitioning to R2 presigned URLs. Does this cause a need for any changes to this add-on?
  13. Sal Collaziano

    [OzzModz] Country Flags by IP Address

    Maxmind is transitioning to R2 presigned URLs. Does this cause a need for any changes to this add-on?
  14. Sal Collaziano

    vBulletin 6 has arrived, what do you think about it?

    Yeah, I was pretty happy with vB4. vB3 was good, too. I think I may have even run vB2 - I don't remember. I started with UBB after running forums on a BBS...
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