Recent content by Rose8

  1. Rose8

    XF 2.2 Help with custom media embed BBCode

    I had this exact problem creating a custom Rumble bbcode site and it was ultimately just some small problem. I have been fiddling with this for days now...
  2. Rose8

    XF 2.2 Help with custom media embed BBCode

    I am located in USA and have been with my server host for 7 years without other problems. Most of the time my server is located in US although the company headquarters may be in Cyprus. My other bbcode media sites work fine for posting the same type content into threads including Telegram which...
  3. Rose8

    XF 2.2 Help with custom media embed BBCode

    Thank you for the suggestion. The result is the same: refused to connect. Site is
  4. Rose8

    XF 2.2 Help with custom media embed BBCode

    Could someone help me with a custom BBcode Media site for Truth Social? I am still using v 1.5.22 My results: " refused to connect." BBcode attempt: From above: <iframe class="responsive-iframe" src=*/{$id}/embed style="max-width: 100%; border: 0"...
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