Recent content by questlot

  1. questlot

    XF 2.2 XenForo upgrade check failed: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    Thanks mate for this, i can now see 2.3 however i still wonder why my forum admin page still show license is expired. Any idea?
  2. questlot

    XF 2.2 XenForo upgrade check failed: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    Thanks for your response but this couldn't resolve my issue. On my forum check for stable upgrade is turned off. Based on the attached screen shot it seems the problem is from xenforo because for more than 5 hours my Xenforo licence account only show 2.2.15 as the highest version available...
  3. questlot

    XF 2.2 XenForo upgrade check failed: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host:

    I just paid to renew my Xenforo license to get an upgrade, but am getting an error on my admin panel, and i cant find version 2.3 on XenForo customer account page except older version. I keep seeing this page. Even when i click to check for upgrade. The following issues should be resolved...
  4. questlot

    Escrow for P2P trading [Paid]

    Your addon looks nice with a few features. The price is extremely expensive for what it does. Being your first addon here, i suggest you reduce the price to $5–$10; without this, some people might be interested. I would have loved to have it, but with the price tag, I wouldn't want to take a...
  5. questlot

    XF 2.2 Stars rating on the google snippet

    Any update on this code for latest xen version?
  6. questlot

    [OzzModz] Text Logo

    Is there any possibility to only show the text logo on mobile devices?
  7. questlot

    Add-on Generate Fake Users

    I don't think such addons exist anymore. Instead of installing such an addon, why don't you manually create the account? Too many add-ons will add a little extra load to your site.
  8. questlot

    fake online users

    It's best you focus on real members instead fake members that doesn't exist.
  9. questlot

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    Adjusting credit not working. I created an 'Adjust' event, and have the correct administrator permissions but when I try using it (i.e manually adding credit to a user via the popup), I get the confirmation message "Adjustment processed successfully," but no credit is added to the user. But if...
  10. questlot

    Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid]

    The ad manager has not worked on my site recently. I deleted all ad packages, and when I added new packages, it displayed: We are sorry, currently there are no advertising packages available. Please advise on a solution.
  11. questlot

    [OzzModz] Country Flags by IP Address

    after installing this addon 500 error was displayed on domain home page.
  12. questlot

    What has helped you convert more registrations?

    I use Forum view count addon.
  13. questlot

    What has helped you convert more registrations?

    What has mostly converted registration on Trendri is content and easy means of registration. Keep the forum busy with frequent content, and you will likely convert most visitors to registered users.
  14. questlot

    [OzzModz] Node Meta Title

    Thanks for this addon; I have been wanting something like this.
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