Recent content by pipin

  1. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Same here.
  2. pipin

    [OzzModz] XFRM: Filter Sort Buttons

    Hi, thanks for this addon, which could come in handy, but there seems to be an error. It generates links like: https://.../index.php?resources/?order=download_count&direction=desc but the correct link is: https://..../index.php?resources/&order=download_count&direction=desc
  3. pipin

    Resource feed export [Paid]

    Thanks for the fast solution to exclude the private categories. :D
  4. pipin

    Resource feed export [Paid]

    Two suggestions: - private categories should be excluded from the feed - add the category to the feed
  5. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Tested it with a node with 10 sub-forums and it worked (still on v 1.2.1 though)
  6. pipin

    RM 2.2 Add version number to discussion thread title

    Is there a way to add the version number of the resource to the discussion thread title? We use a widget to display resource updates on the forum overview by "New posts" together with threads from other subforums. But I would be nice to have the version displayed in the widget. The new...
  7. pipin

    Change Content Owner or Date

    I would like to bring this to the table again. It would be very helpful to change the dates of resource updates.
  8. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Great, seems we will have most of the functionalities from vB back by now. ;) btw I really like the style at
  9. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    @Hoffi Ok, I found the "glitch". Mark as read with double clicking only works when you don't use the default icon. Is it possible to make this work for them too?
  10. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Great, all Icons work now and double clicking too. Just testing a bit more, cause it works as an user but not as an admin. :unsure:
  11. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Ok, this was too fast. Double clicking on the icons and mark forums read does work. But the problem with some icons like "fab fa-linux" or own uploaded images still persists. :cry:
  12. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    @Hoffi About the incompability with the addon "mark forums as read with double click ". The addon from AnzahTools is no longer available. But this one is working in combination with your addon:
  13. pipin

    Disable Signature in Specific Forum Nodes

    Doesn't work for 2.2.8 P1
  14. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    Any updates on the compatibility?
  15. pipin

    [cv6] Node Icons & Tools

    It was another addon:
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