Recent content by pegasus

  1. pegasus

    Temporary attachments should only be viewable by the session/user which adds them

    I essentially reported this issue a few years ago (still unaddressed), although I gave different reasons why it was problematic: In short, my analysis was that it was possible to use...
  2. pegasus

    Image attachments are not visible in custom terms and rules thread if forced to re-read terms

    I am also curious what would happen if that custom terms and rules thread contains some newfangled XenForo embeds of other content. Seems like embeds should be exempted, if they aren't already.
  3. pegasus

    Fixed Error evaluating hue after creating Color property w/ variations enabled

    1) If we create a new style property using the most basic settings: Property name: test Title: Test Type: Value Value type: Color [X] Enable variations Then after saving, all CSS on the site is broken due to the property not having a default value (which cannot even be set during creation)...
  4. pegasus

    Fixed app_registry_preload or app_preload_extra

    The code event listener for preloading data from the registry is named app_preload_extra (and variants) in the code in XF/App.php: $this->fire('app_preload_extra', [$this, &$keys]); However, it is not possible to run any code here, since the corresponding code event listeners in the database...
  5. pegasus

    Fixed Template compile error when entity is missing Master Phrase relation

    In 2.3.0, the Templater has added the new processEntityAttributes method, which fills an attribute value automatically based on an entity's phrase value. This works great, until we run into an entity that is missing its Master Phrase for some reason, maybe accidental deletion of the phrase. I...
  6. pegasus

    XF 2.3 What's new for developers in XenForo 2.3?

    Math expressions in .less templates seem to now require being wrapped by parentheses e.g. property: (0.8 * @xf-style-property); Previously this was only necessary if the expression was ambiguous (such as multiple padding values).
  7. pegasus

    VaultWiki - 4.1.7 Patch Level 1

    (announced here: The relevant issues for XenForo 1.x: An issue preventing successful completion of the VaultWiki install process An issue running the VaultWiki uninstall process An issue where the form for editing custom area permissions for guests was...
  8. pegasus

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    pegasus updated VaultWiki with a new update entry: 4.1.7 Patch Level 1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. pegasus

    VaultWiki - 4.1.7 Patch Level 1

    (announced here: The relevant issues in the patch that affect XenForo 2 users: An issue installing VaultWiki involving 4.1.7's compatibility update for XenForo 2.2.13 An issue uninstalling VaultWiki when there are wiki moderators who are not also forum...
  10. pegasus

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    pegasus updated VaultWiki with a new update entry: 4.1.7 Patch Level 1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. pegasus

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    To recap, in the next release: - Wiki content entities that use handlers such as alert_handler_class, reaction_handler_class, search_handler_class, that had an abstract handler that used the "entity" content type field, even though such a method may have been extended in the wiki handler, will...
  12. pegasus

    Fixed entity::delete inconsistent with entity::save

    In entity::save, it is possible to extend _saveToSource in order to do some last minute tasks before saving an entity, compared to _postSave etc, which takes place afterwards. However, there is no corresponding reverse method in entity::delete. $db->update is called directly, where one would...
  13. pegasus

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    Order-of-steps issue in entity located -- XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity :: delete We have code that must be run inside the transaction, before the entity data is removed from the database. With save(), this is easy to do by extending _saveToSource. But delete() has no corresponding _deleteFromSource...
  14. pegasus

    XF 2.2 Why would my add-on not be working?

    I have had something similar happen if I install/upgrade the add-on while development mode is active and the add-on folder contains an _output directory that is either incomplete or empty. In development mode, XenForo prefers the contents of _output to the contents of your add-on's _data XML files.
  15. pegasus

    VaultWiki [Paid]

    Going by your example, my complaint was more about a theoretical add-on that provides a view_count column to all entities matching xf_content_type_field "entity", even though some entities may already provide a view_count. I'm perfectly fine with an add-on that specifically modifies another...
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