Recent content by PapaTango

  1. PapaTango

    XF 2.1 Widget Display Conditions

    Thanks to Chris and others! Those ! operators are some tricky things... :unsure: My task was to ensure that a certain menu navigation button was not visible to any other but two select user groups. Using this expression form accomplishes that: $xf.visitor.isMemberOf(2) OR...
  2. PapaTango

    [OzzModz] Country Flags by IP Address

    Here is a copy of what I received from Maxmind: Also, are you using Amazon S3?
  3. PapaTango

    Editor & BB Code Manager

    Just did the update to the patch version, still have a random issue running under PHP 8.1.27. XF is v2.2.15. It is variable where and when the error will strike--in a thread, FAQ, comment, or an AMS article, by it's being called up. Then, at least 20-30 errors like this are thrown together...
  4. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 default sorting gallery items by filename?

    Look here for the solution:
  5. PapaTango

    XFMG Order By Title

    Just installed this little gem, running XF2.2.15 and XFMG2.2.5 under PHP8.1. Flawless, and like others I am astonished it's not core like it is on Invision Community. Thank You!
  6. PapaTango

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    I installed this at the first of the year using 10.6.15 (10.6.15-MariaDB). There have been no issues, but something can go amiss when migrating with table structure rules. Have you tried a site backup, and then reinstalling the registration software anew under MariaDB?
  7. PapaTango

    Media Wall Widget for XF Media Gallery

    No, it does not appear so. I demo'ed Nicolas's wall for a bit--but had to pull away to meet deadlines. I did not get any errors, just display size/format issues with my theme which is Xenforo Dimension. That was back in March. This message (with just a slight variance) appeared in concert...
  8. PapaTango

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    Whatever the WP solution, it is expensive. One must pay for the bridge, and again for the subscription plugin. With tweaks and support, I figure roughly $200. But for something that works, is supported in the long term--and viable "Plan B" options are available--is small potatoes in the vast...
  9. PapaTango

    [OzzModz] XenPorta Improvements

    On my site, it is increasingly throwing errors as described previously. Free or not, that is unacceptable as this risks the viability of the communities we create and maintain. I know the value of third-party developers and web developers. One simply cannot exist without the other. However...
  10. PapaTango

    [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

    OK, we have established this is abandoned. Now the rot I just discovered. Sometimes we just have to throw a member and all of their content out. Best practice and GDPR stuff, you know? :cool: When trying to delete a member, the AOF addon returns the same error/trace messages as @Alpha1...
  11. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Embedding or crosslinking gallery & album images

    My community users have requested the ability to "share" an image across venues--galleries, albums, and posts. The meta BB code links work great of course for album/gallery images being placed and shown in posts. What is not presently possible is the ability to take an image that is in say a...
  12. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Another MG Thumbnail Size Issue

    Yes! Thumbs now display at 50x50px. That entry was added via an addon that purported to save admins from a series of manual edits for another purpose, and buried deep in the heart of extra.less. Much better, but if I may ask, is there a way to pump these up to perhaps 75x75px? :unsure:
  13. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Another MG Thumbnail Size Issue

    Hey Brogan, Not the indexes. Click on any image held within a gallery/album and look at the thumbnail display below the selected image of other images in the category. This page is a random example:
  14. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Another MG Thumbnail Size Issue

    After much searching for an answer and finding none, I seem to have an issue with how MG is displaying thumbnails. For whatever reason, the filmstrip on the lightbox is only showing 30x30px thumbs. At this size, they are useless, as one cannot discern the content. Here is an example (screen...
  15. PapaTango

    MG 2.2 Limit Number of Member Albums

    Such has been done in the past by others. Like many other useful features found for other forum platforms--our XF developers do not see the need to do anything about them and have left matters to the whims of third-party developers... My post was intended to query if such an item had been...
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