Recent content by Nicky

  1. Nicky

    XF 2.1 Additional PHP in Page Node callback

    great. that was it.. thank you so much! wish you a nice day. cheers, Nicky
  2. Nicky

    XF 2.1 Additional PHP in Page Node callback

    thank you guys @Lawrence thank you, but with your code, page node will be displayed without content. @Brogan thank you too. above standalone PHP code produce me list like below. this is what i'm searching for to have it in Page Node. thank you again. cheers, Nicky
  3. Nicky

    XF 2.1 Additional PHP in Page Node callback

    hi all, i would like to make a listing of books in a page node. php script which works fine looks like this: <?php $connection = mysqli_connect ("localhost","xx","xx","xx") or die ("error"); $query = "SELECT * FROM xf_thread WHERE discussion_state = 'visible' AND node_id IN ('293','298')...
  4. Nicky

    [AddonsLab] Post Limit Per Node

    Hello @AddonsLab, PERFECT, that was it! Thank you a lot!
  5. Nicky

    [AddonsLab] Post Limit Per Node

    @AddonsLab you know for sure, where i'm doing the mistake.. here are some pics. Addon settings: Usergroup settings so the thread/post are unlimited in all node_id's: node_id 214 permissions for all usergroups have been set like below, need only threads limit: Thank you in advance and wish...
  6. Nicky

    [AddonsLab] Post Limit Per Node

    hmm.. i can't manage this to work with limited node_id 214 :(
  7. Nicky

    [AddonsLab] Post Limit Per Node

    hi, before i buy this addon, would like to know one thing because i'm not sure after i readed all posts in this thread. let say i do have about 300 node_id's: i do want that all usergroups are able to post only 1 thread within 24 hours into node_id 214. also, only this node_id 214 have to be...
  8. Nicky

    Search for multiple Threads at once

    Hi, i'm searching for an addon where you can put as example XX (eg 20) threadnames (eg 20 in each line) into an textarea and search for exact threadnames which exist in forum. and posibility to search with wildcard "*" too if given.. also: ThreadName1 ThreadName22 ThreadName43...
  9. Nicky

    MySQL Callback in Xenforo 2

    hi guys, Ahhhh GOT it.... X1 -> <xen X2 -> <xf damn it :D af
  10. Nicky

    Free Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    okay, than i will wait for the 2.0 as right now there is nonsense to use it. i do use an audentio style(xenBlock). is there an ETA for 2.0? but, here you are talking about "TMA 2.0", this is the paid version.. FMA is the free one.
  11. Nicky

    Free Mobile Apps for XenForo [Deleted]

    1st at all, thank you for the app. my apps are working now, but what do it correctly? it is just parsing mine xenforo forum like if i use the as example firefox on android mobile with responsive style. anywhere i found something, but can't find it again, to delete something from styles headers...
  12. Nicky

    Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]

    @Siropu thank you for quick response & troubleshooting resolved with in EXTRA.css .samCodeUnit, .samCodeUnit > li {width: 100%;} if you adsense code is not within data-ad-format="auto"
  13. Nicky

    Ads Manager by Siropu [Paid]

    @Siropu just bought your addon... anyhow, i can't get my ads "CODE" (google adsense code) working.. would like to work without to sell ads... have created package... added an active ad.. example header... clean xenforo templates within XenForo 1.5.6... when i create an TEXT ad... it will be...
  14. Nicky

    [XFSoccer] Soccer Betting Game [Deleted]

    some of you guys.. i don't understand your point of view.. "should be a shame", etc. you ALL got it for FREE.. and it is still working up to 100% except dataserver is down. there are some guys like @AA_ which do have private lifes and company duties. take it like it is, or delete it if you don't...
  15. Nicky


    @Mike Creuzer just 4 your information... meanwhile.. 15-20 minutes on your site.... everytime when i would like to install the style from my admin cp or to download it manually from your site.. got it manully, there is no chance to install it over the addon, today ............... :) btw...
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