Recent content by Mr.Smith

  1. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    There was no file in there called malloc.php when I checked in so I just created a locked blank file just to avoid the problem.
  2. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    The funny thing is the file was not there but the logs said it was executed. I just created a blank locked file in replacement as a solution.
  3. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    It got created in the public_html instead of the xenforo "forum" folder.
  4. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    I logged in the apache processes when this drop happens and found a common thing in both the logs I got. 8-0 24041 0/1680/1680 _ 52.13 0 69721 0.0 4.21 4.21 GET /malloc.php HTTP/1.0 Can anyone give me some information about malloc.php associated with XenForo?
  5. Mr.Smith

    Today's Birthday in Sidebar

    Is it compatible with xen 1.1?
  6. Mr.Smith

    Topic title string

    I wish to repeat the topic title at the end of the topic so can a user can search for more topics with the same title. Can anyone help me on how to add the variable again in the same topic? thanks
  7. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    I have already formatted , changed servers , disabled plugins, reuploaded xenforo files :(
  8. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    The problem still persists can I have some help please? I have even uninstalled most of the addons, and disabled the rest.
  9. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Welcome PM

    ragtek, can you please upgrade the addon for 1.1? I believe this could be made as an in-built feature :)
  10. Mr.Smith

    "Auto Welcome" Message for new members?

    ragtek's addon doesn't seem to be compatible with 1.1
  11. Mr.Smith

    Send email notifications on reported items

    Can this be upgraded for xenforo 1.1? thanks :)
  12. Mr.Smith

    KeyCaptcha - Antispam

    Can this be added for posting new threads so that we can prevent spam bots from posting advertisement spam?
  13. Mr.Smith

    XF 1.1 Unknown column 'user.user_id' in 'on clause'

    I disabled all my addons for a week and the problem continues :( even changed servers again.
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