Recent content by MoonShadows

  1. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    I may be mistaken, but XF is one of the only forums that calls them Conversations. For years other forums have called them Private Conversations or something very similar. Most forum participants belong to multiple forums. I believe that is where expectations of privacy have come from. I'll bet...
  2. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    Even though they are called conversations, members have expectations of privacy. Tell them upfront that is not the case.
  3. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    I don't buy that. I think it is a control issue IMO.
  4. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    The concept is unethical unless you let your members know that their conversations are not private. It's sneaky. Tell them up front that these are not private conversations if you are going to monitor them.
  5. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    I know no conversation on the internet is "private" unless encrypted as do most people using the internet today, but to call them private conversations and then actively monitor them is two different things. While forum users know someone could read their private conversations, they do not...
  6. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    UNETHICAL if you are going to call them private conversations. If you are going to call them monitored conversations, then that's fine.
  7. MoonShadows

    XF 2.0 Can't create a poll

    @suineg Go to Forums > Nodes > click on the Node where you want to create a poll, scroll down to just under the Navigation Section and check the choice "Allow polls to be created in this forum"...and Save. When you go to that forum, you'll be able to create a poll.
  8. MoonShadows

    XF 2.0 Can't create a poll

    I have created polls on my forum in the past, but today I wanted to create one and there was no option visible. I am just wondering if I could have turned off a permission by mistake, but I can't find a permission for this any where. Can someone offer advice? Thanks.
  9. MoonShadows

    User Guide for Forum Members

    Will do. I'll work on it over the next few days.
  10. MoonShadows

    User Guide for Forum Members

    Thanks @ozzy47. I'll do that.
  11. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    I know what they're called, but he called them Private Conversations, and let's face facts, when used, no one who uses the Conversation function has the expectation that anyone else but the recipient is seeing the message, so let's not play semantics here. Yes, they can be found in the data...
  12. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    If these massages are to be monitored, then don't call them Private Conversations and be up front with that fact with the members. And, if someone is that worried about illicit activity in Private Conversations, then Private Messaging should should be disabled and all forum communication should...
  13. MoonShadows

    Add-on Monitor Private Conversations...

    I had written a post here earlier and then deleted it as not to stir up controversy, by I not only agree with @Thibeault, I think it is highly unethical to monitor "private conversations", and if you are going to do so, you should state it on your forum. Otherwise you are misleading your...
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