Recent content by MirandaSings

  1. M

    [rellect] Last Seen Policy [Deleted]

    Can this be disabled for guests? I can't view their activity
  2. M

    XF 1.5 Member Card

    How would I change the shade?
  3. M

    XF 1.5 Ban text block

    @Chris D The text block shows when the user gets IP banned while viewing a thread, but how would I also show that text block whenever the IP banned user visits the forum list or clicks on anything as well?
  4. M

    Forum Statistics -

    Works, thanks!
  5. M

    Forum Statistics -

    Still need help
  6. M

    [WMTech] User Blocking System [Paid]

    Can the price be $15 instead? Seems way too much.
  7. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    Hi, I can't find a glow for css glow
  8. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    Also I don't see in the guide how to do the customization like the screenshot
  9. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    What's the addon called?
  10. M

    Forum Statistics -

    Hi, I only see a few usergroups listed but not all on my forum - Can you help @Steve F
  11. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    Can anyone help?
  12. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    Also how do I put mood meter? Example:
  13. M

    XF 1.5 Name Styling

    How do I get the text to look like this? Birds and sparkles (similar to
  14. M

    Icewind Staff [Deleted]

    Hi nice addon, but it doesn't show the users that are in that usergroup?
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