Recent content by MikeChannon

  1. MikeChannon

    Moving a thread to new forum and leaving a redirect (fails)

    Agh, I see, many thanks for this and explaining it to me as well:):) Mike
  2. MikeChannon

    Moving a thread to new forum and leaving a redirect (fails)

    Just to be clear, this is/was happening on newly created threads as well, not just vB legacy stuff. I created and redirected a brand new thread yesterday and the redirect worked the first time, but 5 minutes later I was getting the no-permission error. So is it fixed? I'm not sure when you say...
  3. MikeChannon

    Moving a thread to new forum and leaving a redirect (fails)

    A newer example of the problem: This redirect: should point to the Android General thread here:
  4. MikeChannon

    Moving a thread to new forum and leaving a redirect (fails)

    Hey guys, I'm the Forum Admin at and....... Redirects left when a thread is moved to a diferent forum do not work. e.g the following thread was moved to the Galaxy Note 3 Q & A forum from the Galaxy Note 3 General forum...
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