Recent content by Max_69

  1. Max_69

    [TH] Last Post Avatar [Deleted]

    Thanks so much for this addon, great job (y)
  2. Max_69

    XF 2.0 Replace FA node icon with an image?

    Thanks so much, this code is perfect ;)
  3. Max_69

    XF 2.0 Replace FA node icon with an image?

    Thanks but do not work, the icon remains normal.
  4. Max_69

    XF 2.0 Replace FA node icon with an image?

    Hi, this code is correct? Opacity do not work. Thanks
  5. Max_69

    XenForo 2.x Italian Translation

    Hi, some news?
  6. Max_69

    XF 2.0 Replace FA node icon with an image?

    Hi, and for my personal icon read-unread? Example forum read 3.png, forum unread 3a.png. Thanks
  7. Max_69

    XF 2.0 How can I change this bar's color?

    Hi guys, how add a image in highlighted content background color and to change text color? Thanks
  8. Max_69

    TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

    Honestly I was referring to the free version, right now I have too many expenses incurred between forum, server, hosting etc. Thanks
  9. Max_69

    TaigaChat - AJAX Shoutbox [Deleted]

    Hi, upgrade to the latest version?
  10. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

  11. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

    Yes I understand but the template Who is online?
  12. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

    Ok, but this code: <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"> This content will show to logged in members </xen:if> in which template should be inserted?
  13. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

    Implementing Permission?
  14. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

    Ok, some examples?
  15. Max_69

    XF 1.2 Guest Group

    Hi, group guests can see who is online, this is not correct, how can I fix it? thanks
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