Recent content by mash33

  1. M

    Google One Tap Sign in Error

    No errors are logged. The only visible error is the message provided by Xenforo in the standard template after the redirect: Oops, we ran into some problems. Security error occurred. Please press back, refresh the page, and try again. Interestingly, if I navigate directly to...
  2. M

    Google One Tap Sign in Error

    I've tried .../foum/connected-accounts and .../forum/conntected-accounts.php and neither worked for me.
  3. M

    Google One Tap Sign in Error

    I am trying to implement Google One Tap ( using the built-in connected accounts feature. The Google connected account is set up and works as expected, and now I am trying to allow users to sign in by using the One Tap...
  4. M

    Imported RSS Feed Curl Error

    Thanks. For anybody else who ran into this problem, the fix for us was to ask Cloudflare to replace the Let's Encrypt edge certificate with a Digicert certificate.
  5. M

    Imported RSS Feed Curl Error

    Do you know what fix your host deployed?
  6. M

    XF 2.2 Email issues when sending from subdomain

    Just posting this in case anybody else runs into the issue: It isn't always very obvious, but there has to exist a real mailbox for the sender address you use. E.g. In my case, if I set the sender address to, all I had to do was create that mailbox and the mails...
  7. M

    XF 2.2 Email issues when sending from subdomain

    Thanks, Mike. The odd thing is that nothing is logged in the maillog when the sender address is set to the subdomain. When the sender address is changed back to the base domain the mails are logged successfully. Also, when sending communication mails to users, the subdomain can be used as the...
  8. M

    XF 2.2 Email issues when sending from subdomain

    My forum is located at and the sender email address is set to I want to change the sender email address to a subdomain,, but then the mail function stops working. I am using the PHP mail function and the subdomain SPF is correctly set...
  9. M

    XF 2.0 File and folder owner permissions when upgrading CLI

    Wonderful. Thanks for the quick reply.
  10. M

    XF 2.0 File and folder owner permissions when upgrading CLI

    Hi. We are planning an upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 and have to use the CLI method since the forum we run is very large. Is there anything to be concerned about regarding file and folder permissions when doing the upgrade? I'm worried that some files and folders are owned by the user and some by...
  11. M

    XF 2.0 Attachment Import Issue

    Thank you for the feedback. We'll try to install Imagemagick PECL extension and activate. Would this error only be a result of invalid image files? Is it possible to ignore/skip these files and continue the import? Also, it is possible to see the original files causing the issues? When I...
  12. M

    XF 2.0 Attachment Import Issue

    Hi. During a import from vBulletin 4.2.3 to XenForo we are getting the following error: Fatal error: imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: fatal libpng error: Read Error: truncated data in ..../library/XenForo/Image/Gd.php on line 86 Has anybody else experienced this issue, and have you found a...
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