Recent content by madamgambler

  1. madamgambler

    [TH] Happy Birthday [Deleted]

    I edited the time in the Cron Entries. And am happy to say I did receive a bday conversation. No issue here anymore.
  2. madamgambler

    [TH] Happy Birthday [Deleted]

    After telling my moderator to manually send out bday conversations again starting today because the plugin did not, she confirmed the plugin DID send conversations to members who had birthdays yesterday. Why didn't I get one? Because after seeing I did not get one yesterday MORNING, I changed...
  3. madamgambler

    [TH] Happy Birthday [Deleted]

    I need help to get this plugin to work. I do not want threads created. I want a conversation to be sent to members. I want an email to be sent to members. I do not want banned or unregistered/unconfirmed to receive anything. After setting up those options, I tested the plugin on myself by...
  4. madamgambler

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Thank you, Zenexer. :) I'll have the user check his extensions.
  5. madamgambler

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Thanks for your reply, korhox. I'll check it out.
  6. madamgambler

    TaigaChat Pro - Realtime chat/shoutbox [Deleted]

    Pink message area in Taigachat Has anyone reported this happening on their forum? I have a member who just reported this and so far is the only one it is happening to. It is happening to the member in Chrome and not IE. It is not happening to me in either browser. Any clue as to what may be...
  7. madamgambler

    Add-on Showing Detailed Visitor and Member Activity?

    Hi everyone! Forgive me if this is not the right forum to ask my question in, but after looking through the forums, it seems to be the right spot. Can you tell me if there is an add-on I can install that will show me at minimum where visitors and members are coming from and what they click...
  8. madamgambler

    XF 1.4 Thread Prefixes - Moving Prefixed Threads When Marked "Expired"

    I will search for a plug-in then ... if there is such a beast. Thank you, Brogan.
  9. madamgambler

    XF 1.4 Thread Prefixes - Moving Prefixed Threads When Marked "Expired"

    I am using the thread prefixes to mark expired posts "expired". What happens when I mark expired threads with the prefix, it sits in the same place as it was according to the last comment date. If I have other threads that are not expired but not commented on after the date of the expired...
  10. madamgambler

    Malware injected on xenforo forums?

    Sorry for bumping such an old thread. I need a bit of help finding an image that has been flagged as malware on my forum. How did you narrow it down to that particular image in their signature? Is there a tool in the backend where I can search for the image url? Thank you in advance.
  11. madamgambler

    XenCentral Ad Server [Paid]

    Thank you for you reply. I messaged you through your customer contact forum and while I did that, my developer informed me that the banners are back. I had alerted him to the issue earlier and when I did not get a reply from him, I freaked and made my post here. All is ok now and I am so...
  12. madamgambler

    XenCentral Ad Server [Paid]

    All of the banners on my forum that were placed using XenCentral have disappeared. I have attempted to add them back in via the plugin but they are not uploading nor appearing after I choose "save". Please help. I am at a loss.
  13. madamgambler

    ******* - Welcome New Users [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks for your reply. That's what I thought but I have yet to receive any welcome message or see a new welcome thread created after creating new test user accounts.
  14. madamgambler

    ******* - Welcome New Users [Paid] [Deleted]

    Hi there. I love what this plugin is capable of! After setting up new activities .... threads, posts and conversations are not being sent to the new user. What do I need to do to "activate" the plugin? Thank you in advance.
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