Recent content by lpickup

  1. L

    XF 2.2 Thread creation API suddenly doesn't work

    Just to close this out, after some more investigation, it appeared that ALL CURL requests (even simple GET requests, and even from the curl command line) were resulting in 406 errors. So in my code I set the CURLOPT_USERAGENT option to a known browser and voila, it's now working again. I'm not...
  2. L

    XF 2.2 Thread creation API suddenly doesn't work

    Actually I went ahead and wrote a very simple script to receive POST requests and even that fails, so it definitely appears to be something in my environment rather than XF. I've reached out to my hosting provider's customer support to see if they can provide any guidance. Thanks for your help.
  3. L

    XF 2.2 Thread creation API suddenly doesn't work

    Thanks. I do agree that it's Apache that's throwing the error, but the question is still why? Unfortunately my server is a strange hybrid of a VPS server where the provider has removed a lot of my visibility and control of the the web server setup and logs. I do get a snapshot of the Apache...
  4. L

    XF 2.2 Thread creation API suddenly doesn't work

    My site uses the Xenforo API to automatically create new threads from a PHP script using the Curl library and the POST api/threads/ endpoint. This has worked fine for the past two years, and then suddenly earlier this week it stopped working. My code had not changed, nor had my XF install...
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