Recent content by L Francis 29 L

  1. L Francis 29 L

    XF 2.0 How do you add Add-ons to Version 2.0.9?

    This is what I have after loading the files.
  2. L Francis 29 L

    XF 2.0 How do you add Add-ons to Version 2.0.9?

    I uploaded every content in the upload file into the Public_html.
  3. L Francis 29 L

    XF 2.0 How do you add Add-ons to Version 2.0.9?

    Just followed what it said but it didn't work just spoke to a moderator for additional but they were rude.
  4. L Francis 29 L

    XF 2.0 How do you add Add-ons to Version 2.0.9?

    How do you add Add-ons to Version 2.0.9?
  5. L Francis 29 L

    My Licence has ran out but do I need to re-buy the installation service

    My Licence has ran out but when I brought the licence last year I brought the Installation Service aswell now that I need to buy a new licence do I need to rebuy the Installation service?
  6. L Francis 29 L

    I'm looking to add Team Tags

    I also need a Image to come up under the Tag
  7. L Francis 29 L

    I'm looking to add Team Tags

    Ah Okay I have installed XenTag
  8. L Francis 29 L

    I'm looking to add Team Tags

    Does anybody have any Suggestions for what I could use?
  9. L Francis 29 L

    XF 1.5 None of the Add-ons actually work.

    It wont even let me add the Add-on Installer
  10. L Francis 29 L

    XF 1.5 None of the Add-ons actually work.

    Just tried and this error message has come up
  11. L Francis 29 L

    XF 1.5 None of the Add-ons actually work.

    I clicked Download and this is what I was given I have uploaded the both the XML and everything in the folder.
  12. L Francis 29 L

    XF 1.5 None of the Add-ons actually work.

    This is all that was in the File.
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