Recent content by kelle67

  1. kelle67

    Maximum number of emoji

    Is there an add-on that restricts the use of emoji? We have a user who uses up to 10 emoji in every post. I would like to stop this.
  2. kelle67

    What exactly does banning prevent?

    That is the only sensible thing to do. You will never be able to technically prevent the person from doing this if he really thinks he really needs to see the contents of your forum.
  3. kelle67

    Works fine for me.
  4. kelle67

    Long pressing reaction

    Works fine for me with Pixel 7 pro, Android 14 and Google Chrome.
  5. kelle67

    XF 2.2 New posts redirected problem???

    Yes of course @Paul B
  6. kelle67

    XF 2.2 New posts redirected problem???

    @Stuart Wright I think this has to do with the lifetime of the cookies. This is 30 days if I have this correctly in mind. Maybe @Paul can say something about this?
  7. kelle67

    XF 2.2 New posts redirected problem???

    I have a quick question. Two of our users suddenly have problems with links in new posts. When they click on a thread there, they are not redirected to the first unread post but to the beginning of the thread. Even though they have read everything except the last post. How exactly does XF handle...
  8. kelle67

    What else is your hobby apart from being an admin?

    Woodworking and fishing.
  9. kelle67

    Creating custom prefix styling

    @Cicada do you use the addon "Font Awesome Manager"?
  10. kelle67

    XF 2.2 Why no URL portion for link forum

    Thank you, then it must be due to our configuration. When I insert an internal URL, the following bb-code is always used: the url
  11. kelle67

    XF 2.2 Why no URL portion for link forum

    How do I do what? Yes, sorry my question was a bit imprecise. Which bb-code do you use exactly or how do I have to create it to do this?
  12. kelle67

    XF 2.2 Why no URL portion for link forum

    How you do that @Mr Lucky ?
  13. kelle67

    Interpretation of german abbreviations in camper parking areas

    I think this is a place where you can empty the Toilettenkassette. This is a Toilettenkassette:
  14. kelle67

    XF 2.2 A page with threads?

    Yes you can use this one. Speak with @Bob. Hilsen kelle
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