Recent content by JOGARA

  1. J

    XF 2.2 Old users are becoming SPAM everyday !

    Been hit by a lot of spam over the past 2 weeks on a forum I manage. Looks to be the use of password sharing between sites...
  2. J

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Its been a while since I have played with S3, but I think if you have a public S3, then set to private, the permissions need to be updated on all the files. You also need to upload with the "private-read" tag not public when uploading to private S3 bucket. Again, it has been a while. Take...
  3. J

    [OzzModz] Activation Reminder & User Purger

    Started purging as soon as I installed the addon. No warning, no
  4. J

    Mas ban accounts based on IP

    Trying to ban all members that signed up on a single IP. Sadly our spam prevention stopped working and over 1000 accounts signed up using a single IP over a few weeks and now spam the forum like crazy. Is there any way to mass ban based on IP? Any plugins? Thanks Jack
  5. J

    The Best Theme For WordPress?

    Oxygen is better then Elementor in terms of performance and security but has a much higher learning curve and takes twice as long to make look good. But it's performance is off the walls better. Easy to get high 90s on Pagespeed even without spending time working on cache and all that CSS/JS...
  6. J

    Would you use a Cloud server or webhosting for XenForo?

    The only reason to use shared hosting is that you either don't know how to manage your own server and software stack or don't want to, as in you want to offload server management duties. Xenforo is so light weight it can run on cheap shared hosting plans. Obviously the downside of shared...
  7. J

    Black Friday Discount

    Xenforo should have quietly increased their price at the start of the month then offered the increase as a discount as a black Friday deal so we all could have saved money! /s
  8. J

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    I don't don't have a clue what you are on about tbh. Cloudflare should not be charging you for anything unless you subscribe to it. How much data are you pushing through them?
  9. J

    Mail Sending Limits - What are large sites doing?

    Over 100k emails a month for me and I use AWS SES. No issues. Takes a few months to build up reputation though. Never use the host email server for website notifications emails. Only for user accounts such as yourself and other administrators that may have email accounts.
  10. J

    XF 2.2 Emails

    Disable confirmations and you are inviting spam bots to make your life hell. Just tested your domain and looked at your records. SPF, update your TXT record to include the relay server URL "". DKIM does not exist or is incorrectly set up. You also want a DMARC record to...
  11. J

    XF 2.2 Emails

    Check you have everything setup right Check to see if you have been blacklisted. New domain? Probably getting sent to spam due to low trust. New domains need to build up trust with email service providers. Some outright block...
  12. J

    Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1+

    Don't use your server as a backup. Backups for S3 should be done onto other S3 services, S3 Glacier, or a dedicated backup drive/service. As for how images are served, depends on how you set it up. The documentation suggests serving avatars and attachment thumbnails via the S3 CDN while...
  13. J

    XF 2.2 Forum inaccessible

    Sounds like you need a Web developer...
  14. J

    Best/Easiest SMTP to setup?

    I try not to support Amazon but SES is a really good service. Yes there are a few steps but you can literally get it working within 10 mins. Like why pay for other services £5-10 a month when free tier gives you 50-60k a month for free. We spend £1-2 a month on email and are sending out...
  15. J

    Discord Integration [Paid]

    I have this issue too
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