Recent content by Joan1211

  1. Joan1211

    [AL] Original Poster Highlight

    What does the "Disable Tooltip" is doing? do you have screenshot? Thanks
  2. Joan1211

    XF 2.2 User metion does not autocomplete

    i found the issue. in the Page_container template I had inserted this code after the "header" <script> window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, true); window.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }, true)...
  3. Joan1211

    Fixed Editor: Backspace key unexpectedly deletes line-breaks above caret that were created using Shift+Enter

    Hi @Chris is this issue fixed? After inserting the code I mentioned above, it creates issues with the auto mentioned username when we write @Username. The tagging doesn't display anymore the users. Edit: just saw on the title that this bug has been fixed.
  4. Joan1211

    XF 2.2 User metion does not autocomplete

    Hello, Let's say that I have a user (myself) named "admin", and I have another user called "student". If I write @adm or @stude, it should display users having these letters in their usernames. However, this feature is not working on my website. (Both users have been active today) Is there...
  5. Joan1211

    XF 2.0 User list with additional information

    Similar question: In the users list of the ACP, I would like to display close to each user some information (the user group) Does anyone know which template has to be modified? Thanks.
  6. Joan1211

    Trophy Essentials [Paid]

    Yes, that's correct. It works. Thank you for your help :)
  7. Joan1211

    Trophy Essentials [Paid]

    Actually no, i have 1.0.4 and the latest is 1.0.5 Im going to update it, and check if there is any difference
  8. Joan1211

    Trophy Essentials [Paid]

    hello, I have an issue of compatibility with this add-on: When a user posts as anonynous (it should not count any trophy) there is an error, and the user cannot post: And in the admin panel here is the error code: TypeError...
  9. Joan1211

    XF 1.5 Redirect User after email confirmation.

    It seems that only writing is also working properly.
  10. Joan1211

    XF 1.5 Redirect User after email confirmation.

    What code would be valid for XF2? thanks
  11. Joan1211

    XF 1.5 Redirect User after email confirmation.

    It actually works. The automatic redirection is working after clicking on the validation link sent in the email, but I am wondering if there is a more suitable code for the current version?
  12. Joan1211

    XF 1.5 Redirect User after email confirmation.

    Is this code still valid for Xenforo 2 ?
  13. Joan1211

    XF 2.1 Group Promotion For Newly Registered Users

    This one:
  14. Joan1211

    XF 2.2 Private nodes displayed as normal node

    I have many groups and many nodes. The reason for this modification is for the users to feel the forum a bit less empty. Otherwhise all the nodes (expect the ones the user can access) is displayed empty, with written "private".
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