Recent content by Janissary

  1. Janissary

    CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid]

    well ... sorry my mistake .its misunderstanding.. i thought he asking seperated 2 column featured threads blocks on index page... like this.
  2. Janissary

    CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid]

    @HenrikHansen asked some css codes for two coloumn layout you give him ACP adress but we are user and sometimes we cant handle with acp .just seeing and asking .
  3. Janissary

    CTA Featured Threads & Portal [Paid]

    @Brogan (its not just about you) sometimes acp like a hell for us otherwise why we need your help. Maybe your 10 minutes valuable our all days but believe me if mechanic is not your job you cant fix your car problems via are more than coder i know this .so i want share this here :) i...
  4. Janissary

    Credits Premium [Paid] [Deleted]

    i cant log in to your web page something wrong connect with facebook its about me or your web site can you check thank you.
  5. Janissary

    Register Email

    ty for update ..sometimes feature is not so far :)
  6. Janissary

    Register Email

    i can handle with mail forwarders
  7. Janissary

    Register Email

    oh thank you
  8. Janissary

    Register Email

    Hi @AndyB can i add a few registermail notice reciver ?if yes , shoul i separate with comma or semicolon (i need this for moderators) thank you.
  9. Janissary

    ******* - Store Framework [Deleted]

    ACP/users/user group permissions/visitor/******* - Store Permission -view store
  10. Janissary

    ******* - Referral Credits System [Paid] [Deleted]

    i hope you are fine... i wonder because you are lost for 1-2 days .i need reward for invited user too.Who will join via refferal link he will get award .Refferal system rewards must be both of them (inviter and invited person) i hope you can understand my english thank you ..
  11. Janissary

    Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

    you guys :) i am using xenforo in english and i am not stupid by the way this is not my first add on . of cource i can understand you . my english can make pain in your brains but if someone want to understand the otherone he can.... will you translate my screenshots too ?i will update new...
  12. Janissary

    Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

    never mind i can make some image with paint for every embeded videos
  13. Janissary

    Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

    sory my bad let me fix it first purple line is in English (birinci mor hat ingilizce) first red line in Turkish (birinci kırmızı hat Türkçe) second red line in English (ikinci kırmızı hat İngilizce) that black line whichone is my wrote in Türkçe (yazdığım siyah hat Türkçe) this screen...
  14. Janissary

    Xen Media Gallery (Media Gallery for XenForo) [Paid] [Deleted]

    conversation between me and chris deeming ...........................(i asked this issue at last time but you cant read tag and content together .so i will try explain when i embed video ,videos coming without thumbnail and when i visit your site then i saw this i know you are great coder .But...
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