Recent content by india.sparks

  1. india.sparks

    Add-on @UserName Mention

    @Dakis : Is there any settings for that? because in my forum it is not working :(
  2. india.sparks

    Add-on @UserName Mention

    Hi all, In VB there is an add on where you can type @UserName and it becomes hyperlinked and an intimation goes to the user mentioned that you have been mentioned in a conversation. Is there any similar feature available in xenForo? Also, Is there any BBCode available for User Name eg. ABC...
  3. india.sparks

    Add-on Number of Posts

    Oh. Thanks. :)
  4. india.sparks

    Add-on Number of Posts

    Hello, I am looking for an add on or a template change showing Number of Posts and Reputation/Like points received by the user in his post bit. Thanks
  5. india.sparks

    A new prospective XF family member - Please reply immediatly.

    Thank you guys for your help. We have now purchased XF. :)
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