Recent content by ijeffers

  1. ijeffers

    What about starred (bookmarked) threads ?

    Isn't that what watched threads are for?
  2. ijeffers

    Google Chrome Security Issue that everyone knows about

    Ok, I see the issue, but people should be aware of this anyway. Exactly the same is possible in Firefox (and presumably others) without issue. The only reason I can see a big hooha being made of it is because it's Google.
  3. ijeffers

    Online Computer Parts UK

    I've used in the past, also used and used to use dabs but not so much anymore.
  4. ijeffers

    My PC starts up for 3 seconds, then shuts down.

    Not overheating is it - check all fans working?
  5. ijeffers

    Just noticed a big company using XenForo?

    That's Sony as in Sony Computer Entertainment, not Sony Online Entertainment. SOE are these forums: :)
  6. ijeffers

    Just noticed a big company using XenForo?

    SOE actually switched from Lithium to a custom JForum build a few years ago. The switch was horrible and had glaring holes including leaving all their private boards open to everyone for a day or so while they fixed it. Nice to see them moving to something stable and decent though :)
  7. ijeffers

    XF 1.1 User Warning in XenForo 1.1

    I was thinking this, and thought it should probably tie into the moderation system somewhere along the way too with reported posts (maybe already does, haven't managed to investiagte that far yet)
  8. ijeffers

    Tab link to Customers Area

    Was wondering where the thread had gone when I refreshed....... :p Never spotted it down the bottom (then again, would still be handy up at the top) ;)
  9. ijeffers

    Tab link to Customers Area

    Had a quick search and couldn't spot anything lurking anywhere. Could we have a customers tab along the top near buy xenforo (or a conditional that swaps by now for Customers Area) - I realise it's just a quick /customers on the end but I default to the forum when visiting Xenforo so anything...
  10. ijeffers

    California Case Update

    Exhibit G
  11. ijeffers

    California Case Update

    Nicely cropped images submitted from twitter, so no evidance as to when they were screen printed/printed out I see. :) Also, nice to see that the email forwarded on from Joe to Michael Anders wasn't printed by Joe from his sent items and isn't a full and complete email as that email doesn't...
  12. ijeffers

    Experts Exchange

    Oh so true, the only reason I go to it is because google picks up something which normally helps with my problem. ;)
  13. ijeffers

    Experts Exchange

    Getting answer's off expert's exchange, I find your more likely to see the answer if you get redirected by google then you do by searching their site. ;)
  14. ijeffers

    How Many Styles Do You Have Installed?

    I have 2 currently, vBulletin 3.8, both user selectable. :) Got one converted over to XF, the other just doesn't look like it's going to work.
  15. ijeffers

    New TV Time

    Fair enough mjp ;) After much decision making and various bits of research, I decided to go for the Sony. So off to town I go today - cheers Peggy and Darkimmortal :) (I was originally just going to get a 26" tv, but was then convinced to get 32", no room for a 42" :()
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