Recent content by Hoolio

  1. Hoolio

    Add-on Alphabetize thread titles (in sub forum thread list view)

    I am trying to make a wiki-like glossary using threads and posts. (but I don't want Wiki 'anyone can edit" headaches) Most liked (or admin liked) post gets floated to the top of its thread, then the thread is perhaps locked by admin as "answered well". Main question - It would be nice if the...
  2. Hoolio

    Add-on Add-on on that converts profile pages into nice looking company directory pages?

    Thanks that looks good. Will you make it for XF 2.x? (as I will only be using that)
  3. Hoolio

    How long will Xenforo 1.x be supported after Xenforo 2.x comes out?

    Isn't that the normal progression of software?
  4. Hoolio

    How long will Xenforo 1.x be supported after Xenforo 2.x comes out?

    It has to be a "nanny state" judgement call by the forum admin managed in a way that perhaps expects the curmudgeons to throw their toy out of the pram / threaten to flounce but assures solid members that have decent levels of trust that it represents progress on a tech level that might not be...
  5. Hoolio

    Add-on Add-on on that converts profile pages into nice looking company directory pages?

    I am trying to figure out how to have a premium classy looking Directory page perhaps derived from a members profile. Directory Display - forum user name But Display REAL NAME more prominently Display company name Have a slick looking professional graphic styling Perhaps companies could...
  6. Hoolio

    How long will Xenforo 1.x be supported after Xenforo 2.x comes out?

    IMHO These type of people (curmudgeons) the forum owner decides for and should not fear actioning progression / change. That isnt a community / committee / voted on decision - its dictated. But if you own the forum - it's your sandbox.. You cant make an omlette without breaking eggs.
  7. Hoolio

    sonnb - XenGallery (XenForo Gallery) [Deleted]

    Will you be making a XF 2.x version in the future? Can it auto subscribe to a you tube channel to pull down new videos as they are added? Thank you
  8. Hoolio

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Fantastic! Our XF 2 build continues on.
  9. Hoolio

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Yeah it would be a bummer if there was only a few days a week spent on XF 2 dev
  10. Hoolio

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    XF 2 on a staging server.
  11. Hoolio

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Already started in on our XF 2 version - early days! Can someone please start an" XF2 ready" add on directory? (even a blog site)
  12. Hoolio

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Please God let them unleash the hounds of innovation and wonderusness on XF 2.x and not add any of it to XF1.x so that everyone wants a part of it and joins the party.
  13. Hoolio

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    So with everything possible on tabs I was imagining this Product page with Tabs for product X photos and info and videos Reviews of / invite to review product X Threads discussing product X Add product X to your members "own it / want it" list Start new thread / question about product X Links...
  14. Hoolio

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    Whoops - beg pardon!!
  15. Hoolio

    Showcase (Reviews, Guides, Garage, Directory etc) [Paid]

    Will you be making a XenForo 2.x version? (I will be migrating my 10 million post community straight to 2.x later this year so won't be able to use any 1.x add ons)
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