Recent content by Gladius

  1. Gladius

    Allow uploading a new version of an image

    That notion is about as ridiculous as suggesting that people shouldn't be allowed to edit posts with reactions.
  2. Gladius

    ForumSolution-Complete services of forum (Development , Design , Migration and more)

    forumSolution answered my custom addon development request as soon as I posted it. A few days later he delivered the final version of the addon which does exactly what we need it to. Communication was fine and he's flexible on the pricing as well, which is a big plus. All in all, he's definitely...
  3. Gladius

    Dark Mode does not work well with [color]

    That's the proper way to do it, yes.
  4. Gladius

    Dark Mode does not work well with [color]
  5. Gladius

    Prevent users from posting black text on dark style

    What I suggested would probably solve over 90% of all colour issues encountered. Black on black is the most common by far and the fix suggested is also very easy to implement.
  6. Gladius

    Prevent users from posting black text on dark style

    All of us using the dark style regularly encounter certain users posting black text on black background (obviously, they're doing this on a light style), rendering it unreadable. XF should make a check to prevent this, warning the user that they want to post black on black and stripping the...
  7. Gladius

    XF 1 Replace image in XFMG

    I'm looking for quotes on custom development for XF1; I need the option to replace existing images uploaded in XFMG. That is, I only need the option for the image to be overwritten with a new one, everything else kept the same. No versioning. The images must keep the same url (yes, I realize...
  8. Gladius

    Reputation System [Paid]

    @dutchbb you're making posts manually selecting black text colour instead of default, so your posts are unreadable in the dark XF style.
  9. Gladius

    Allow uploading a new version of an image

    Is there an addon for this at least? We need to replace just the images on hundreds of gallery entries without having to redo all the descriptions, redoing all the image links in content and losing all the comments. It's simply inconceivable to me that there is no option to do this still. We...
  10. Gladius

    Contact form should respect Banned Emails list

    It really doesn't make sense that banned e-mails can keep sending mail via the contact form.
  11. Gladius

    Text selection erratic when moving up

    Trust me, it's spammers. Happens all the time. I also recognize the username as a spammer.
  12. Gladius

    Text selection erratic when moving up

    Spammers. They delete them fast, but not before you get a notification about their reply.
  13. Gladius

    Allow uploading a new version of an image

    How the heck has this not been implemented in 10 bloody years? What the heck? It's just about the most basic thing you expect to be able to do in a gallery and literally every other gallery that I've ever used allows it... it's like not being able to edit the text of a post. People aren't using...
  14. Gladius

    MG 2.2 Is it possible to replace an image in Media Gallery?

    Is there any particular reason for this? It's bloody annoying that you can't reupload the image when you need to just make a correction to it?
  15. Gladius

    Fixed "Edit own thread title" permission is badly named

    What exactly does this permission cover besides editing the thread title?
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