Recent content by gigipmc

  1. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 XF\Template\Templater::filterReplace() redundant code?

    Not a bug but I guess can be cleaned up: XF\Template\Templater::filterReplace() contains the following code: if (!is_array($from)) { $from = [$from => $to]; } if (!is_array($from)) { return $value; } How can the 2nd conditional ever come true when the first conditional just made sure...
  2. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Authenticating to XF from standalone php app

    In theory, you can load XF inside your application and authenticate. If loading XF isn't easy due to code conflicts, you can use the authentication code from the XF codebase inside your app, and authenticate against the XF database. In practice, your programmer may have to iron out a few issues...
  3. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 _files and js files

    Not sure I understand your question correctly but if you want to keep the actual file in your add-on directly but the browser to access it from elsewhere (e.g. from the js directory), you can just put a symlink in the js directory which will lead to the original file.
  4. gigipmc

    Need Pro Help for XF eMail and SendGrid

    Many changes they are listing are done at the DNS configuration level. A few changes have to do with the mailing procedure but it is not recommended to second guess it and insert changes of your own there. It would be smarter to forward this list to the XF dev team so they can make sure the...
  5. gigipmc

    XFCoder :: Title Ladder Gems

    The add-on is not built that way out of the box. You can request a modification if you wish.
  6. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Adding PMs and posts externally

    It may be possible to load the XF libraries inside the other installation and then execute the proper XF routines. You can test to see if it doesn't generate any conflicts. To load XF: $dir = '/path/to/xf'; require ($dir . '/src/XF.php'); XF::start($dir); $app = XF::setupApp('XF\Pub\App'); If...
  7. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Custom user fields code wont update

    Try the following: $userEm = $app->em()->findOne('XF:User', ['user_id' => $json["vendorData"]]); $userEm->Profile->custom_fields->set('otbVerified', 'yes', 'admin'); $userEm->Profile->save(); The third parameter in the set() method is instructing to save in 'admin' mode, which should...
  8. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Adding PMs and posts externally

    True, skipped my mind that we're doing XF to XF and classes would overlap. API it is.
  9. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Adding PMs and posts externally

    Fully agree with Kirby. If you do not want to use the API since you want to use integrated code, then you still need to use the XF libraries instead to create the post/conversation entities, initiate alerts etc. But you cannot inject directly into the database since there are that many...
  10. gigipmc

    Wordpress widget?

    This WordPress plugin lists the lastest XF threads.
  11. gigipmc

    XFCoder :: Title Ladder Gems

    The title ladder is a core feature of XF so what you are asking is not related to this specific add-on (which only adds visualization). There are no group permissions I'm aware of that you can use to exclude the title ladder for certain groups, but this functionality can be custom programmed.
  12. gigipmc

    Add-on Discord -> XenForo user role and post sync

    Please read this post, contact me if interested in implementation.
  13. gigipmc

    XFCoder :: Wait Time Between Reactions

    This isn't what the add-on does, so additional programming is required to create that functionality.
  14. gigipmc

    XF 2.2 Reapplying add-on generated cache entries after rebuilding master data

    Hi, I've developed a few new types of custom thread fields (e.g. a 'username' field type). We are applying these thread fields to certain forums via the usual "Applicable forums" multiselect list when editing the field in the admin panel. After rebuilding the master data (e.g. following an...
  15. gigipmc

    XFCoder :: Add-on and Feature Developer

    @Ruh please contact via PM with your specs..
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