Recent content by FoP

  1. F

    [OzzModz] Attachments Plus

    Does this template modification still work (i.e. replace the 'trash can' delete icon with "a 'copy & paste' command instead with images wrapped in a IMG tag and non-images wrapped in an ATTACH tag.")?
  2. F

    Featured images [Paid]

    I love that clicking on a photo takes you to that photo on the board, which most other image displays don't do. There's also no text when hovering over an image. So it's great and I want to use it for our homepage. However, I was wondering if there is a way to right align the block as it looks...
  3. F

    MG 2.2 media gallery statistics

    I too am looking for a way to see the number of views in the media gallery, but there is none?
  4. F

    XF 2.2 Lots (and lots) of bounces for the same user. Why?

    We had the same problem a few months ago and it turned out to be a Microsoft issue. They had blacklisted the XF mail server. The XF support team submitted a request to have the server IP removed from the blacklist but they told us that MS is notorious for doing this and that it might happen...
  5. F

    [EAE Add-ons] Thread preview widget

    The add-on should be removed from Resources.
  6. F

    [EAE Add-ons] Thread preview widget

    We had this add-on installed. But this is where the Dev link ( takes you now:
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