Recent content by fly_indiz

  1. fly_indiz

    Russian Language for XenForo

    style_prop.publicNavSticky "Тип плавающей навигации" - ну совсем не рядом с логикой фразы. Гуглопереводчик и то логичнее переведёт. style_prop_desc.publicHeader - на каждой публичной страницы style_prop_desc.responsiveEdgeSpacerRemoval - этого значение
  2. fly_indiz

    Russian Language for XenForo

    Только некоторые из перлов в формате (английский оригинал, предложенный перевод): <phrase title="if_forgotten_your_password_use_form_to_reset" addon_id="XF" version_id="1000015" version_string="1.0.0 Alpha 5"><![CDATA[If you have forgotten your password, you can use this form to reset your...
  3. fly_indiz

    Fixed Activity Summary Email template broken

    When scheduled tasks runs at Server Trigger (OS system cron) email template broken with incorrect logo URL. <img src="http:/data/assets/logo/xenforo-logo.png" alt="Forum" width="" height="" class="" style="max-height: 200px; vertical-align: bottom;"> This is cause in Templater function base_url...
  4. fly_indiz

    Fixed bug with user registration timezone

    Ok, understand. Actual Europe/Moscow dst = +3:00 Xenforo list timezones - are actual Is possible to create (customizable in admin-panel) timezone select in register form with automatically selected guest-timezone option - or javascript-detected timezone selected? (variants are customizable in...
  5. fly_indiz

    Fixed bug with user registration timezone

    Guest timezone settet up to: utc_plus_0300_moscow After any user registration, in his profile settings timezone are equal: utc_plus_0300_baghdad
  6. fly_indiz

    Fixed Full URLs in links

    Why was my post deleted with an important description of the problem? It is RELATED with this fix Before deleting a post - it makes sense to ponder the meaning of what is written. Check my problem resolve in this post...
  7. fly_indiz

    Fixed watched therad notifify-mail template bug

    I fixed it in: src/XF/App.php in 'request.paths' function by changing string 'base' => rtrim($request->getBasePath(), '/') . '/', replace getBasePath by getFullBasePath
  8. fly_indiz

    Fixed watched therad notifify-mail template bug

    When receive email with notification about new post in watched thread with message preview which contains attached image - in webmail client image not viewed because image-link is relative. For example: <img src="/data/attachments/0/2-638ec132320fd4f8caba3d5aaf178b80.jpg" class="bbImage "...
  9. fly_indiz

    Sticky First Post

    @Pinn You are wrong. Addon is great work with 1.4.3.
  10. fly_indiz

    Lack of interest List User Groups

    Problem with "admin.php?users/search". Lots of regular users can not access to admin panel. It would be nice to have a regular page with clicable list of groups (navigate from Members menu, except "registered" group), and which each of group (except "registered") contains list of members. Also...
  11. fly_indiz

    Show forum moderators

    in December 2013 - i not correctly use responsive options for hide/display moderators popup block, also i use foreign css class "subForumsPopup".. Now i fix templates for this blocks which hides on small-width displays and it's use own css for eath situation
  12. fly_indiz

    Show forum moderators

    @semprot @Jim Boy you are not right. all work perfectly! (local test)
  13. fly_indiz

    Sticky First Post

    @New Joe which errors you find? I tested fixed (from page 2) addon on 1.4.3 and it works without bugs..
  14. fly_indiz

    XenForo 1.3.3 JS overlay bug in Chrome

    Sometimes clicks on overlay links (insert link, spoiler in Redactor; quick-navigation-menu) in Chrome will freeze. Ajax indicator not stopped and overlay window not displayed. P.S. Clean fresh installation of XenForo 1.3.3 without other settings.
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