Recent content by Enstage

  1. Enstage

    XF 1.5 RESOLVED: XenForo not using SSL

    Oh wow.... The URL there was , changing it to fixed the issue. Thanks!!!
  2. Enstage

    XF 1.5 RESOLVED: XenForo not using SSL

    I've traced the issue back to an issue with Cloudflare, I'm using some temporary page rules over there until I figure out exactly what the problem is.
  3. Enstage

    XF 1.5 RESOLVED: XenForo not using SSL

    Hello, I've just moved my installation over to a new server and put it through Cloudflare. I am trying to use Cloudflare's free SSL certificate. I'm experiencing an issue where ONLY the main page of my XenForo installation is not working with SSL. If I go to it...
  4. Enstage

    Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

    Well the 'Information Above Application Form' is restricted to only the top of the application, I would use it to give in depth explanations of sections, maybe examples etc. It didn't occur to me try out the agreement text, I'll check it out when I have a chance and get back to you.
  5. Enstage

    Advanced Application Forms for XenForo 1.x [Deleted]

    Do you think it is possible to add a form question (answer) type called "HTML Block" which allows you to enter, obviously, any HTML you want to display on the form?
  6. Enstage

    [h] ModeratorView

    Hi, Is it possible to display user group styling on moderators usernames? I can't seem to figure it out myself. Thanks.
  7. Enstage

    [Aayush] Hide Hack v1

    Hi, I receive the following error when installing this plugin: Callback VfcodersHH_ViewPublic_Helper_Editor::setUpEditorOptions is invalid (Invalid Class). Any suggestions? Thanks!
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