Recent content by dsick

  1. D

    XF 2.3 custom editor with draft functionality.

    can someone explain how the drafts work, I'm trying to implement that feature in an addon. the draft url in this example is custom_submission/draft and the way I'm thinking is I would need a controller for that? or is there already a controller I should extend, <xf:form...
  2. D

    XF 2.2 Am I making this ajax request correct?

    this is the ajax XF.ajax('GET', XF.canonicalizeUrl('statistics'), ajaxData, function (data) { }); here is how I'm accessing in controller, selectedOption is in the ajaxData public function actionIndex(ParameterBag $params) { $selectedOption = $this->filter('selectedOption'...
  3. D

    XF 2.2 Ordering finder results

    is there a condition when you want to use one over the other?
  4. D

    XF 2.2 need suggestions for using license keys

    you're right I obfuscated with a wordpress plugin and it was still nulled.
  5. D

    XF 2.2 need suggestions for using license keys

    I know users will try to null my addon so where would be a good place to put my license enable logic, if I put a valid license field in the database users could easily change that to be valid, should I make a script that calls home to check if its enabled to. what I do is when the license is...
  6. D

    XF 2.2 how do I save varbinary data to database;

    can we insert varbinary data as a normal string or is there an extra step? the field id column is varbinary. $threadFieldValues = \XF::app()->em()->create('XF:ForumField'); $threadFieldValues->node_id = 2; $threadFieldValues->field_id = "fieldidtests"...
  7. D

    XF 2.2 question about altering a table

    yea i was having an issue where if its a user table, it was basically overwriting the entire column like you said and I get errors saying a lot of stuff is missing, seems to be working now. I can even call the added user column on the xf:visitor which is nice.
  8. D

    XF 2.2 question about altering a table

    you know there seems to be an issue with the way I was doing the columns. this is where the error came from, it seems to be having a problem with how I defined them like an array. $structure->columns = [ 'user_id' => ['type' => self::UINT], ]; but if I do it like this...
  9. D

    XF 2.2 question about altering a table

    I'm running into an issue when I alter a table and add a new column, the new column doesn't exist and I get other errors like unknown getter, and some says the field is unknown, I know how to do the custom entities but is it a different approach for an existing table that you're altering.. This...
  10. D

    XF 2.2 WSL is not installed error during installation.

    I think I got it, i had to install the windows subsystem for linux through windows powershell.
  11. D

    XF 2.2 WSL is not installed error during installation.

    can someone help me fix this error I am using xampp to set up a development environment I am stuck on this error.
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