Recent content by defender110

  1. defender110

    Fixed Rich text editor bugs in iOS

    Amazing that this bug has been reported for over a year with no action from Xenforo. I emailed their support and they told me to post here. You have to wonder if any XF devs actually ever use iOS on their forums.
  2. defender110

    Fixed Rich text editor bugs in iOS

    Came here to report this. This issue drives me nuts and I’m sure it does the same for my users. Also want to report another issue: When you do a quote reply, there’s no obvious way to cancel the reply and clear the reply box. Can we get a <Cancel> button alongside <Post reply>?
  3. defender110

    Unable to run initial indexing - Elasticsearch indexing error: Uknown Error (HTTP code: 413)

    Bam! Bumping client_max_body_size to 10m fixed it! Thank you!
  4. defender110

    Unable to run initial indexing - Elasticsearch indexing error: Uknown Error (HTTP code: 413)

    Hi, I'm running XFES 2.1.0 and attempting to perform the initial indexing. Every time I run it, it gets to around post 922868 and errors out. It's very consistent in making it nearly all the way to the end (my forum has 1,073,873 posts) before dying. Before re-running the indexing, I delete...
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