Recent content by day_tona2

  1. D

    [XTR] Resource Manager Layout [Paid]

    Is this still working? is the dev still around?
  2. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Ya that's what i am talking about but need a credit system to keep track of how much they earned. When ya have multiple people selling.
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    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    My suggestion would help a lot of users from not having to get a 3rd party software to accept payments for members and it be placed in a digital wallet. Not all members have access to paypal anymore so it limits a lot of users from accepting new venders on there site because you can not accept...
  4. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    I will do that.. Thank you
  5. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Anyone know of a digital wallet that will work with this addon when someone orders something via PayPal the funds go to the primary PayPal and the seller receives credits in the amount of the order - paypal fees.
  6. D

    XenForo Wallet & Purchasable Features

    A wallet would be nice :(
  7. D

    [DBTech] DragonByte Credits [Paid]

    I see XenForo Resource Manager Downloaded - Someone else downloading your XenResource resource. But is there one for when a user orders someone's resource with marketplace?
  8. D

    XF 2.2 Looking for Payment from PayPal to virtual wallet

    Um not sure that's exactly what i am looking for. i need a way for when someone orders a resource using [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop and the customer payees via paypal the seller gets that amount - Paypal Fees to credits in his wallet.
  9. D

    XF 2.2 Looking for Payment from PayPal to virtual wallet

    I am looking for an option where after someone makes a payment for a service in xenforo marketplace using PayPal that it adds to there balance to some kind of virtual wallet where i can pay the seller later on
  10. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace [Paid]

    You could use user-upgrades and place them in a group where they can add resources for x amount of time for a cost maybe
  11. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Yes disable sale make everyone see the NO LONGER FOR SALE. and no download button for the ones who ordered prior.
  12. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Any way to make it still available to the ones who still own it and stop the sale?
  13. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    yes i disable sale so no one can buy temporarily but it stops people who have bought from downloading also.
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    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    when u set a resource to no longer for sale it blocks the ones who already bought it from downloading.
  15. D

    [XFA] RM Marketplace/Shop - XF2 [Paid]

    Thanks seemed to fix the orders failing to unlock thanks for the fast response. Can i add a suggestion to email the seller on successful order. I Been manually adding it in but would be nice to have it by default.
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