Recent content by Dan619

  1. Dan619

    [AL] Core Package

    Hi @AddonsLab, I’ve installed this, but getting this error on my main page, could you help?
  2. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Images not showing up? Help!

    This can be put down to solved now, as the problem was with my laptop. I needed to clear cache on Chrome.
  3. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Images not showing up? Help!

    So why aren't they showing for me? Is it something on my laptop?
  4. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Images not showing up? Help!

    Thanks for your reply, I don't seem to have a Styles/fa folder? This is whats on my FTP. I've also checked the zip file that I downloaded from the members area and it's not showing as a styles/fa folder either?
  5. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Images not showing up? Help!

    Hi, I've just installed a fresh version of the forum software, but when it was installed, it seems to be missing the link pics that appear, like the maganifying glass next to search and other, see pic below Can anyone help me as to what I need to do to get the pics back? The software was...
  6. Dan619

    XF 2.2 After upgrading, all I see is boxes now (pic included)

    Hey, I've just upgraded my forum to the latest version I had access too (2.1.7) but since upgrading, all I see are these boxes and not images. Can someone point me in the diection of what to do? Many thanks
  7. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Changing the text in a private board?

    Hi, So let me explain. I have this VIP area on my forum that is set to private, so non VIP’s see this; But if they choose to go into that area, they see this; Instead of it saying ‘there are no threads in this forum’ is there a way to edit it so it says it’s for VIP’s only and to link to...
  8. Dan619


    Hi mate, I’m sorry, it’s my forum that’s the issue, I had errors I hadn’t noticed, I’ve fixed it now, thanks for the awesome theme :)
  9. Dan619


    Hey Stylesfactory, I have installed your free theme and am loving it, the only issue I have is that the emoji’s are not showing up? I have attached two attachments for reference. Hope you can help. Dan
  10. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Attachments not uploading

    Hi, Sorry my forum has been shut for a year now, just on closed and doing nothing, but this week I reopened it and wanted to upload some pdf's for members to be able to download. However, Whenever I go to upload, the green upload bar starts to upload, then finishes before it reaches the end and...
  11. Dan619

    XF 2.2 Moving something to another place, is this possible?

    Hi everyone! Is it possible to move the member legend widget I have and post it in the users online? I have attached this photo so you can see what I mean; Thanks for any advice or help :)
  12. Dan619

    XF 2.2 nodes not saving permissions?

    I defiantly a 403 issue, but I can't even change permissions on my mobile!? Maybe I should ask my host to have a look into it for me?
  13. Dan619

    XF 2.2 nodes not saving permissions?

    Hi, I have just launched my forum, but since I have opened it, I can not save any permissions for groups on the forum, whenever I go to edit a groups permissions, it comes up with the following problem: I have checked the browser console but it doesn't really show me any issues? Any advice...
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