Recent content by cmeinck

  1. cmeinck

    Uniform [Paid]

    Does this theme work with the latest XenForo release? Any issues?
  2. cmeinck

    XF 2.0 Getting hit by over 80 bots on my site

    I'm having a similar issue. I installed KnownBots and that's helped identify a few bots I did not want on the site. However, it appears there are bots not being identified. The biggest issue for me is the impact on Google Analytics. Whatever is hitting my site, it's inflating my traffic in GA...
  3. cmeinck

    XF 2.0 Stop massive influx of spam

    Are there any robust add-ons to combat spam? For 1.0, I used a number of add-ons, but not sure if anyone has built them for 2.0. This Q&A did nothing to stop it.
  4. cmeinck

    XF 2.0 Stop massive influx of spam

    I just changed it to What's the last name of the CEO of Apple. It's an iPhone forum.
  5. cmeinck

    XF 2.0 Stop massive influx of spam

    I'm running the latest release of XenForo. I've tried Recaptcha, Q&A, but nothing seems to stop this massive influx of spam. Every morning I have three pages of spam that requires cleaning up. I welcome any and all recommendations.
  6. cmeinck

    [TH] Reactions [Deleted]

    Receiving the following error when running the Importer. I cancelled and tried again. It seems to fail around 8%. InvalidArgumentException: Attempted to convert NULL to integer [content_user_id] in src/XF/Import/Data/EntityEmulator.php at line 79 XF\Import\Data\EntityEmulator->set() in...
  7. cmeinck

    [TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

    Is there an upgrade to 2.0 planned and if so, is there an ETA on availability.
  8. cmeinck

    Post Ratings - taking likes to the next level [Deleted]

    Was anxious to migrate to 2.0 now that UI.X 2.0 is out. Realized I need this in order to upgrade. It's a community favorite.
  9. cmeinck

    [TH] Monetize Pro with DFP & Affiliate Link support [Deleted]

    I'm interested in using the affiliate tagger, but unclear to the proper settings. Using Amazon as an example, could someone share screenshots of how this gets implemented?
  10. cmeinck

    [TH] Monetize Lite [Deleted]

    I created a ticket a few days ago. I'm interested in upgrading to Monetize Pro. Is the process the same? I order and pay through PayPal - and you'll credit back or is there a unique code I can use for the discount. Please advise and thanks.
  11. cmeinck

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    Profile spamming opens up site to Penguin issues, since spammers build crappy backlinks to these profiles. If registration was prevented, that would solve the problem.
  12. cmeinck

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    No update in a few months. Tired of fighting spammers each morning, so might give Stop Human Spam a try.
  13. cmeinck

    sonnb - Stop Spam Here [Deleted]

    It would be great if we could block registration if a user posted a specific set of censored words in the homepage field. For example, I'm getting a fair amount of spammers dropping supplement links. It would make my life easier if they simply couldn't register. If homepage URL contains any of...
  14. cmeinck

    [TH] Monetize Lite [Deleted]

    I never used this add-on due to it's lack of flexibility. Hearing that a new paid "Pro" version is available and this is now rebranded as "Lite" is disappointing.
  15. cmeinck

    HTML Newsletter Generator - Keep Members Coming Back [Paid] [Deleted]

    I see how this generates an HTML newsletter, but the styling doesn't carry over to email. Is there a way to include the CSS inline?
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